Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Effects of Christopher Columbus Essay - 794 Words

The Effects of Christopher Columbus In 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in the new world; the Native Americans lives were altered through the introduction of the Columbian Exchange, Cultural changes and loss of their homeland. Columbuss discovery of the new world sparked colonization of the Americas. There was an ample amount of vast, arable land thus creating economic opportunity for the wealthy and the common-man. The people longing for this opportunity intruded on the Native Americans land and completely changed their way of life. When Christopher Columbus discovered the new world, it caused the two different worlds (The Americas and Europe, Asia, Africa) to collide hence creating the Colombian Exchange. The Columbian Exchange is†¦show more content†¦The introduction of weapons, alcohol, and other European things and ideas also great and unpredictable effects. The Europeans encountered many sophisticated Indian cultures and some owe their survival to the Natives. The Europeans introduced the idea of â€Å"ownership of the land† to the Indians. Of course, tribes fought over territory to hunt, fish and occasionally practice agricultural on, but the idea of â€Å"ownership† of land was something they didnt comprehend. For some Indians the land was considered sacred, the idea of agriculture was thought of as insulting to the Earth, and many aspects of nature. For the Indians, things in nature like rivers, ponds, and even rocks, were like the saints in Christian cultures. Even after they had made deals with the Europeans for the purchase of land, they didnt understand what they had done and that led to further conflict. Europeans also changed their barter system. They had built complex economic relationships with other tribes and understood commerce as it existed in their barter and exchange system. Europeans had a destructive impact of this trading culture, trading different things than the Indians were used to and also through the use of currency. Christopher Columbus created awareness of new opportunity and freedoms when he brought the Americas into world view. This opportunity attracted colonistsShow MoreRelatedChristopher Columbuss Discovery Of San Salvador Essay1105 Words   |  5 PagesThe Effects of Christopher Columbus’s Finding of San Salvador in 1492 Christopher Columbus’s adventitious finding of San Salvador led to the initial European â€Å"discovery† of the New World. Columbus, an Italian explorer, attempted to sail west from Spain to India, funded by King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile (Christopher Columbus’s Exploration). He sailed using three boats: the Nià ±a, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria (Christopher Columbus the Italian Explorer). They reached theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Christopher Columbus 1126 Words   |  5 PagesBailey Gilmore Mr. Boone World History Period 7 2015 November 4 Christopher Columbus Explorer. Navigator. Colonizer. History concerning him is not and never will be complete. 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