Monday, December 30, 2019

William Shakespeare s Hamlet - 1367 Words

Hamlet displays his understanding of existentialism in the soliloquy â€Å"To be, or not to be, that is the question† (3.1.63) and yet his other words and actions lead us to believe he is still unaware of his own truth. Hamlet says Then are our beggars bodies, and our monarchs and outstretched heroes the beggars shadows (2.2.263-264) and says that we are all beggars, all lowly men, and we only have any greatness because others think we do. This is in direct conflict with his hubris, showing that he can come up with insights that are emotionally valid and yet he does not entirely accept them as he also has the opposite characteristic. He still cares about the hierarchy and wishes to be above people and is, but only because he and others†¦show more content†¦He is unable to cope with his femininity and he has paradoxical view of societal roles on one hand, he thinks they are obsolete and at the same time he has very conventional views. Even the person he would most wis h to be with, Horatio, cannot be with him because he links loving men to femininity which he so hates. Hamlet repeatedly makes stabs at women, just as he does with individuals throughout the play. Hamlet sees the act of women putting on makeup as delivery and indicative of their true nature to be two-faced and shameful, saying â€Å"God has given you one face, and you make yourselves another. You jig and amble, and you lisp†¦ † (3.1.154-162) They paint on a face more beautiful than their own, they dance and talk in ways that are not true to themselves. Hamlet hates this because he hates his own parallels to it, instead of beauty he strives for masculinity and hides his true ‘face’ of passion and feeling for a more masculine ‘face’. He separates his attributes into masculine and feminine and buries the feminine under hubris, dark humor, and hatred. When he refers to the women dancing and talking, he imagines them doing so in a way to appear more beautiful. He has his own ‘dance,’ where he pretends to be tough and manly that would appear just as shameful. He hates women because of societal views of characteristics of women as lesser, which he sees in himself and is afraid of. The king says it is sweet that Hamlet continues to

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Dog Bite Memo - 3149 Words

Memorandum |To: |Senior Associate | |From: |Hung-Yuan, Chiu – Section 2 | |Date: |October 28, 2012 | |Re: |Miller v. CIPA | | |False Imprisonment Litigation; Motion to Dismiss |†¦show more content†¦The lawfulness issue is more complicated, as the shoplifting defense for the purposes of the statute can be successfully applied to defeat claim of false imprisonment. However, an unreasonable belief of suspected shoplifting and racial profiling would leave room for the argument that the Millers have a valid claim. The second issue element in the confiscation of iPhone is not at issue because this was not an instance of shoplifting. Therefore, the only element issue here is detention. Under the rule recognized by Georgia courts, confiscation of Charlene’s phone probably is not a detention. A. The security guard’s searching on Charlene for stolen CD might qualify as a detention, because the search is against Charlene’s will. By the presence of security guards will allow Charlene to argue the search conducted by the security guard is against Charlene’s will and accordingly a fear that force would be used if she did not submit to the search, regardless of the fact Charlene acquiesced to the security guard’s search. Georgia courts acknowledged that a detention need not consist of physical restraint, but may arise out of â€Å"words, acts, gestures, or the like, which induce a reasonable apprehension that force will be used if plaintiff does not submit; and it is sufficient if they operate upon the will of the person threatened, and result in aShow MoreRelatedA Veteran Banned From Military Housing974 Words   |  4 PagesDoberman Pinschers and German Shepherd dogs mark 100 years with the AKC. Both German Shepherds and Dobermans were the Devil Dogs in WWII (Mahood). Both dog breeds have given years of service to the military. Both dogs have been faithful loyal companions and incredibly intel ligent. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Pttls Roles and Responsibilites of an Fe Teacher Free Essays

| 2012 | | Blackpool and the Fylde College Leigharna McKenzie | [an examination of the roles and responsibilities and boundaries of a contemporary subject specialist teacher. ] | Within this essay the author discusses the roles and responsibilities of a teacher within the context of the teaching cycle and makes reference to legislation and codes of conduct, internal and external points of referral and record keeping. | As a contemporary teacher in Academic Studies there are many roles and responsibilities to be considered, most can also be found across a range of teaching sectors. We will write a custom essay sample on Pttls Roles and Responsibilites of an Fe Teacher or any similar topic only for you Order Now Gravells suggests teachers practice differing roles within a model referred to as the Teaching Cycle, which encompasses five stages; Identify Needs, Plan and Design, Deliver, Assess and Evaluate. Gravells also states one is not only a teacher but a coach, counsellor, trainer, and assessor amongst others encouraging and supporting learners where necessary. Associated article: Roles, Responsibilities and Boundaries of a Teacher Such roles and responsibilities are shaped by legislation, organisational policies, and situation requirements, (Gravells, 2010). At the initial stage of Identifying Needs, the teacher acts as an assessor of their learners, either using information from assessments on learning styles such as the Honey and Mumford test, (1986), which can aid in choosing assessments and learning activities, or information gathered from initial interviews/applications to the course, i. e. what learners wish to achieve at the end of the course. The teacher is responsible for selecting and applying different initial assessment methods and using information from these to create an inclusive framework. As a boundary, learners may not want to disclose needs and the teacher must respect their right to refuse to divulge sensitive information. The Data Protection Act (1998) provides key principles such as only be using data for the specific purposes for which it was collected and not be disclosing to other parties without the consent of the individual whom it is about to guide teachers in this area. Inclusivity may be addressed by adapting lessons to fitting activities to the learning styles of the learners i. e. in respect to the Honey and Mumford test, having group discussions and role-play included for active learners but also having time to think about how to apply learning in reality for pragmatic learners in the class. Other needs may be physical e. g. with a leaner that is differently abled. Guidance in this area is covered by much legislation, such as the Disability Discrimination Act (2005). Norse and Wilkinson state that this act means legally an organisation should not treat disabled students less favourably than their peers however the Disability Rights Commission (2006) suggest 52% of those covered by the act do not consider themselves disabled and do not want to receive unfavourable/special treatment. With respect to disability a teacher should find out what can be done to make things easier for the person concerned but also be aware that everyone’s abilities are different and different people have developed differing strategies to help them cope with challenging situations. It may be wise to discuss with the learner themselves how they wish to be treated within the learning environment at this stage, (Norse and Wilkinson, 2008). Gravells reminds us that there are also internal points of referral for instance such as Senior Tutor Support and Guidance who can give advice from their experience and the organisation’s policies or a teacher may wish to ask the college’s Learning Support department to become involved should the learner wish for additional aid. In the event that a learner discloses sensitive information that cannot be referred to internally, (e. g. here is an incident of violence in the learners home life) external points of referral such as the National Domestic Violence Helpline are available, (Gravells, 2010). An inclusive framework is of upmost importance in ensuring that no learner is excluded from the learning process and forms a major part of the second stage of the second stage of the cycle, Planning and Design. Ashmore et al. propose that valuing diversity creates a learning environment which includes and respects difference. Inclusivity can be as simple as using gender neutral language in presentations and hand-outs or being lexible with work arrangements to allow for cultural and religious practices. Legislation such as the Equality Act (2006), which has 9 areas protected by law, (age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; and sexual orientation), requires one to eliminate unlawful discrimination and harassment as well as promote opportunity between men and women amongst promoting other areas of inclusivity, and can be used by all teachers as a guide to promote equality, (Ashmore et al. 2010). With an inclusive plan one can move into the third stage of the cycle, Delivery. Here a teacher acts as a guide to learning, it is key not to spoon-feed learners information but use a variety of approaches to engage and enthus e learners to take responsibility for their progress. To give teachers guidance on conduct during delivery the Institute for Learning provide a Code of Professional Practice which was enforced April 2008; it outlines the behaviours expected in terms of Integrity, Respect, Care, Practice, Disclosure and Responsibility. This code protects not only the interest of the learners but defines professional behaviours expected of a teacher. In Delivery teachers have a boundary to overcome in that they are also responsible, along with the learners, for being safe within the classroom; this is a requirement legally due to the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) which covers a wide range of subjects, from control of substances to working at height. Being safe in the classroom can be as simple as ensuring bags are kept under tables or arranging the classroom so that routes to fire exits remain unblocked. During the Delivery there should be also be differing forms of Assessment which itself forms the fourth stage of the learning cycle. Gould and Francis suggest at this stage it is key to ensure that progression is checked and that methods are fair linking to planned tasks. Assessment on the course forms an on-going record, which is important to look at how learners are grasping objectives and provides valuable feedback for both the learners and teacher. Monitoring student achievements, skills, abilities and progress through on-going assessment tracks their progress and giving feedback using these records can confirm that learning objectives have been met. Records can also assist in evaluating the teaching programme, and show if improvements or redesigning is necessary, (Gould and Francis, 2009). Redesign can form a part of the final stage of the teaching cycle, Evaluation. Morrison states evaluation  is an essential part of the educational process, and suggests that it ensures teaching is meeting students’ learning needs. Through this stage teachers are constantly learning their best practice and improving standards so that correct deficiencies can be acted on, that methods continue to improve, and that content is updated. Once Evaluation is complete then the teacher can start the cycle all over again, (Morrison, 2003). From this review it may be suggested a teachers role is never stagnant and always adapting. REFERENCES: Ashmore. L. , Dalton. J. , Noel. P. , Rennie. S. , Salter. E. , Swindells. D. , Thomas. P. , Equality and Diversity (2010) in Avis. J. , Fisher. R. , Thompson. R. (Eds. ) Teaching in Lifelong Learning, Berkshire: McGraw Hill Norse. D. , Wilkinson. J. , Supporting Learning (2008) in Fawbert. F. (Ed. ) Teaching in Post-Compulosry Education, 2nd Edition, London: Continuum. Gould J. , Francis M. , Achieving your PTTLS award (2009): London: SAGE Publications Gravells, A. (2010) Passing PTLLS Assessments, Exeter: Learning Matters. Morrsion J. (2003) â€Å"ABC of learning and teaching in medicine: Evaluation†, British Journal of Medicine, vol. 26, February, p. p. 385-387 BIBLIOGRAPHY: Ashmore. L. , Dalton. J. , Noel. P. , Rennie. S. , Salter. E. , Swindells. D. , Thomas. P. , Equality and Diversity (2010) in Avis. J. , Fisher. R. , Thompson. R. (Eds. ) Teaching in Lifelong Learning, Berkshire: McGraw Hill Norse. D. , Wilkinson. J. , Supporting Learning (2008) in Fawbert. F. (Ed. ) Teaching in Post-Compulosry Education, 2nd Edition, London: Continuum. Gould J. , Francis M. , Achieving your PTTLS award (2009): Lond on: SAGE Publications Gravells, A. Passing PTLLS Assessments, (2010) 2nd Edition, London: Learning Matters. Gravells A. Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector, (2010) 5th Edition: London, Learning Matters Morrsion J. (2003) â€Å"ABC of learning and teaching in medicine: Evaluation†, British Journal of Medicine, vol. 326, February, p. p. 385-387 Tummons, J. , Powell S. , Inclusive Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector (2011): London: Learning Matters Wilson L. , Inclusive Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector (2007): London: Thomson Learning EMEA How to cite Pttls Roles and Responsibilites of an Fe Teacher, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Influences of International Perspectives on Current UK Curricula

Question: Discuss about the Influences of International Perspectives on Current UK Curricula. Answer: Introduction The essay clearly states the childhood curriculum reforms that had been undertaken in the UK curricula which indicate the identification of the international trends and thereby the early childhood development in the education becomes easier. For the purpose of depicting the existence of the many trends, the influence on the education of the children are being depicted which enables the analysis in an appropriate way (Bell, 2004). This plays a major role in the development of the services and thereby the exploration of the curriculum reforms is undertaken for the development of the characteristics of the children. The reform process enhances the reliance on the stakeholders, and thereby the appropriately planned changes are undertaken for reforming the enhancement of the changes. Therefore the structure clearly explains the impact on the development of the services and also the government policies are appropriately constructed for the development of the services and the government pol icies of the UK. It also describes the obstacles that are faced by the government that potentially hampers the reform process in the country of UK and the Wales (Carr and Lee, 2012). The acknowledgments clearly explain the meaning of the early childhood education with depicting the importance of the roles of the particular parents in the development of the children. The holistic approaches are undertaken and fruitfully implemented for the growth of the children, and also the reform process seems to be providing the benefits to the children in constructing their life with a meaningful guidance. Curricula, importance of national curriculum and impact on the children The word curricula clearly describe the approaches that are undertaken for the purpose of running the coursework for the children. It provides the path for the arrangement of the contents with regarding the teaching, and the provision of the elements must be appropriately prepared by the students for the affecting the process of learning. Thereby the curriculum is exemplified by the help of the many different means, and thereby the program contents are fixed for the enhancement of the planning with depicting the execution of the course work (Clark and Waller, 2007). The considerations are constructed for the purpose of fulfilling the set of the performance activities that are depicted to be important for the children learning. The importance of the education in the life of children plays an important role, and thereby the critique clearly explains the documentation of the report in the educational purpose. Therefore the sociological perspectives are considered in this study that clea rly explains the views in the form of the designing the relation with the issues depicted in the form of segmenting the courses as per the semesters is segmented. This clearly explains the inclusion of the document that enhances the development of the theories by describing the importance and the implementation. Therefore the pedagogical approaches are depicted to be specific in accordance with the areas of the document covered for describing and enlisting the courses (Colwell and Beaumont, n.d.). Therefore the enhancement of the sociological perspectives is clearly defined by defining the term Curricula. The sequence also considered in this essay that clearly explains the importance of the learning designing sequence that enables the proper guidance. As per the national government is considered, the development in the child care and the early childhood educations system is being focused. Therefore the enhancement of the output is being considered with launching the policy Early Childhood Education and Care Policy. This policy clearly states the enhancement of the education system of the childhood which becomes the major step taken by the government of the UK. The enhancement of the project is being undertaken by enhancing the improvement of the system with depicting the areas for the improvement. The growth clearly states the reviewing of the objectives that must be undertaken for the study. It also shows the enhancement of the values that depicts the analytical framework with showing the importance of the framework undertaken by the nation government of UK (De Chesnay, 2005). The monitoring of the skills and the development of the descriptions are clearly provided with showing the importance of the national curriculum. The devel opment of the children clearly states the enhancement of the views that are focused to be very much important for the improvement of the education system and the learning procedures. Therefore the life of the children seems to be guided with arranging a better education system and the application of the advanced education system is indicated to be very much useful for the development of the styles of the study. The enhancement of this kind of the system creates a positive impact on the life of the children which can be easily addressed by the arrangement of the learning system. Holistic approach The holistic approach seems to be structuring the positive environment of study for the children which enhance the education policies. The education philosophies are also focused which depicts the important factors that provide a prepared environment with consisting of the specific materials which must be used by the children. The independent roles are focused on being the most important part which includes the enhancement of the responses and also records the construction of the particular readiness with specific sensory and the intellectual stimuli. The enhancement of the approaches is provided on the basis of the intuitive (Desai, 2010). The holistic approach is being undertaken with depicting the enhancement of the system of the education, and thereby the construction of this project depicts the learning of the group activities with proper enhancement of the project. This depicts the enhancement of the group activities which are considered for the enhancement of the data. It clea rly explains the enhancement of the case which is being used by depicting the enhancement of the teachings in the humanistic process. Therefore the intuitive insights are being well depicted by the subject of the education and also the teachings are depicted to be engaged in the creativity and the adoption of self-experiences (Gysbers, Heppner and Johnston, 2014). Therefore the construction of this system indicates the enhancement of the silent reflection and also the enhancement of the system can be well depicted by the process of the meditation, yoga, silent reflection of the activities and the through care natures. Therefore the enhancement of these needs becomes the important part of the holistic approach, and thereby the enhancement can be easily measured in the form of the reflections created by the children. The four key aspects of the holistic approach are depicted to be in the form of the cooperation, and thereby the learning environment is being created for the development of the planned teaching environment. The great respect for the interior life of the children can be easily depicted and thereby the methods seem to be ranging from the environmental aspects of the life that facilitate the time outcomes of the competitive environment. The enhancement of this case is depicted to be in the form of the strong connections and thereby the meaning of the life and the spirituality can be easily constructed. Therefore the description of the interior life can be well explained by the help of the holistic approach to depicting the developments in the life of the children. Therefore the structure and the explanation of the holistic approach is depicted by the help of the intrinsic life processes which seems to be dependent on the aspirations and also the enhancement of the academic curriculum can be well expressed by the aid of the instructional packages (Le Navenec and Bridges, 2005). The Holistic education system also nurtures the sense of the children with providing them with the cosmic knowledge. Therefore the wholeness of the life can be appropriately extracted by the aid of the aspirations and also range responsiveness can be depicted in the social context where the family plays an important role for the nurturing of the children. Analysis of Two internal curricula The analysis of the two internal curricula with the examination of the key foundation phase of the Wales is well described in the following two points. The strengths and the weaknesses of the practices are described with depicting the reason for adopting the two curricula. The descriptions of the two curricula are provided in the following points which are as follows:- Experiential Education Curricula which clearly describes the effective learning process for the well-being of the children. The structure of the life of the children can be well described by the help of the series of the sessions that helps in reflecting the educational life of the children. The intentional approach is being defined for the betterment of the movement with describing the routine characteristics and planning (Meggitt and Walker, 2004). The description clearly explains the form in which the sessions are being divided for the betterment of the children. It also learning capability testing of the children which enables the identification of the capability of the student and thereby the growth of the children can be easily depicted. Apart from this main strength, the weakness is also determined in this system which seems to be obtaining the long-term process, and it also becomes difficult for the covering the system prepared for the children. Though the equipment and the s tructure for the children are being well established, the delaying of the activities it creates a negative impact while making the preparation of the education system for the children. The reason for adopting these curricula is that the teaching methods undertaken in this curricula best suit the early childhood teachings and the developments of the children (Nutbrown, 2011). For this reason, the curricula are being selected for the enhancement of the approaches, and thereby the preschool education seems to be presenting a better situation for the establishment of the life of the student. The High/Scope curriculum clearly enables the description of the active learning system which depicts the key activities that are depicted through the active learning processes indicated in the life of the children. The development of the children life is being undertaken for the growth and also the satisfaction can be easily indicated in the form of the experiences gained from the events, materials, persons and the adults. The strength that is determined in this case easily depicts the enhancement of the system and also the developments can be easily conducted with the help of the approaches undertaken in this curriculum (Oers, 2012). The intergenerational programs bring maturity and the growth of the children and also the expansion in the memory is being depicted with the help of the curriculum. Therefore the enhancement of the system can be well depicted in the form of constructing the implementation and the success of the establishment of the innovative programs. The weakness tha t is being indicated in this curriculum is that the setting of the active learning lacks the concentration of the children which can also create a negative impact on the growth of the children. The reason for the purpose of adopting this indicates the rapid progress of the educational development with the advancement of the system. For this reason, the approach is being undertaken for the development of the children. Role of Adult/Partnership with parents The foundation phase in the Wales is scrutinized through: The implementation of foundation phase: timing, process, support, content mechanisms. The evaluation of the transition issues among three to five years old children (Yelland, 2005). The evaluation of the effectiveness of the curriculum and assessment of the strategies Training and qualification of staff members Resources and accommodation Management and organization Partnership with the parents and other stakeholders Quality assurance The main focus is on establishing partnership with parents and other stakeholders such as education organizations to encourage the greater use of the learning environment. The schools in more than 60 nations have discovered that partnership provides a wide opportunity to young people to learn about the wider context of the world and to become active and well global citizens. The school partnership relies on the long term relationships which is strong enough to overcome of the challenges. The staff members discusses with parents about the behavior, thinking and attitude of their child. Other organization donates in different schools for improving their quality of education and for the well being of the future generation. The foundations phase in the Wales has also included the importance and role of partnership with parents and other stakeholders (Wright, 2010). The parents are encouraged to participate in the school life and supporting each and every aspect of the school. The involve ment of parents, community and other organizations is very much important for improving the education system of a country. The school, community and family partnership includes fathers and mothers, grandparents, stepparents, foster parents, relatives, community groups and business leaders. The involvement of family, community and parents in the education system correlates school improvement and academic performance. The foundation phase in the Wales has involved parents and other stakeholder partnership in the education system as it is considered as an essential aspect of the phase (Winnick and Porretta, n.d.). The profile supports reporting and communicating with carers and parents on different aspect such as current learning stage and development of a child which includes reporting the skilled expressed in Literacy and Numeracy Framework. The framework focuses on the discussion with children, parents and other stakeholders. The schools annually need to produce reports to the parent on the progress of the child and the next step on learning is based on the following assessments (Wilding, 2013). The prof ile includes all the information for the parents about the progress of the child. The reports can be in the form of annual reports and can be in informal discussion about the progress with the parents. The directions and guidance will be based on the report and statistics generated by the teachers of the school. The practitioners has to use appropriate assessment framework for a specific purpose and getting advice from the learning needs coordinators about how to establish relationship with the parents. The teachers should discuss on the activities carried out by the child and also helping them to enhance their knowledge, skills and abilities. The early years development assessment framework has been developed in the foundation phase. The framework provides support to the practitioners about how to develop the skills of child and establishing relationships with the parents and stakeholders. The profile is designed with the assessment carried out by the health professionals and supporting the early identification of development delay, additional learning needs or special education needs that would ensure adequate support to the children who need the support. The family, parents and community plays a significant role in the development of their child (Taylor, Bond and Woods, 2013). The involve ment of parents, community and family affects the academic achievements of the students across all races. The schools focus on the establishing relationships with the parents and stakeholders. The researchers has determined and evaluated different types of involvement: volunteering, communicating, decision making, parenting, communication and collaborating. The involvement process provides a wide range of community, family and schools to engage in the developmental process of their child. Considerations and Influences of International Curriculum The school curriculum discussed in the successful report of Donaldson includes all the assessment activities and learning experiences planned in the pursuit of the agreed aims of education. The content of the curriculum of the schools in any nation is subject to different competing influences. The practices and assumptions about the fundamental importance of good and quality education is based on the quality of education and establishing relationships with the parents and stakeholders (Rao, Zhou and Sun, 2017). Parents, community and family expect to recognize and determine what their children are doing and they need their progress report. They worry about different difficult situations that will come in front for their children and can also affect their future. The development of children at their early stage is very much important as they can become a good citizen and can deal with difficult situations. The teaching profession structure influences the education system and curriculu m that should be organized in an appropriate manner. The infrastructure should be based on ensuring that the current expectations are met by the management department and the students are guided appropriately towards their goals. The report focuses in many aspects of school curriculum and it is also recognized that the enhancement of any system depends on many factors. A support is required and educating child at their early stage helps them to become a confident and motivated citizen in the country. The curriculum is subjected to the pressures to change and specific forms that curriculum would change over time. The changes that may occur in the development process are psychology, educational theory and neuroscience (Quality in diversity in early learning, 2003). They are response to the developing political, economic and social circumstances. The pressures can be directed towards other directions for example adding fresh dimensions and contents such as key knowledge and skills as t he response to perceive required needs of the moment. The needs of skilled and trained teachers have also been focused in the report which is very important for the development of child. The demand for skilled and young people has increased and the curriculum is focused on increasing their skills. The national curriculum has been established for the development of the children and providing them appropriate guidance. Conclusion Care and education are split frequently into two aspect of the routine of a child. The modern developmental theory states that learning begins at the early stage of a child and splitting care and education settings ignores the significant nature and characteristic of development. The first nation to integrate the responsibility for childhood services at early stage is New Zealand. In many counties, providing adequate care and education at early age has become a major concern. It has been recognized by many investigators that adequate care and education contributes and supports the goals of the children (Paciorek and Munro, 2005). Early childhood care and education is given because of the social reasons such as parents can go for work. However, early childhood care and education settings are different in different countries as it reflects their own beliefs, values, culture and histories. The main focus of the report is on early development of children. References Bell, S. (2004).Challenging behaviors in early childhood settings. Baltimore, Md.: Paul H. Brookes. Carr, M. and Lee, W. (2012).Learning stories. Los Angeles, Calif.: SAGE. Clark, M. and Waller, T. (2007).Early childhood education and care. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. Colwell, J. and Beaumont, H. (n.d.).Reflective teaching in early education. De Chesnay, M. (2005).Caring for the vulnerable. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett. Desai, M. (2010).A Rights-Based Preventative Approach for Psychosocial Well-being in Childhood. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. Gysbers, N., Heppner, M. and Johnston, J. (2014).Career Counseling. Hoboken: Wiley. Le Navenec, C. and Bridges, L. (2005).Creating connections between nursing care and the creative arts therapies. Springfield, Ill., U.S.A.: Charles C. Thomas Publisher. Meggitt, C. and Walker, J. (2004).An introduction to child care and education. [London]: Hodder Stoughton. Nutbrown, C. (2011).Key Concepts in Early Childhood Education and Care. London: SAGE Publications. Oers, B. (2012).Developmental education for young children. Dordrecht: Springer. Paciorek, K. and Munro, J. (2005).Early childhood education 05/06. Guilford, Conn.: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin. Papatheodorou, T. and Moyles, J. (2012).Cross-cultural perspectives on early childhood. Los Angeles: Sage. Quality in diversity in early learning. (2003). London: National Children's Bureau. Rao, N., Zhou, J. and Sun, J. (2017).Early childhood education in Chinese societies. [Dordrecht, The Netherlands]: Springer. Taylor, J., Bond, E. and Woods, M. (2013).Early Childhood Studies. London: Hodder Education. Wilding, C. (2013).Teach Yourself. London: Hodder Stoughton. Winnick, J. and Porretta, D. (n.d.).Adapted physical education and sport. Wright, R. (2010).Multifaceted assessment for early childhood education. Los Angeles: SAGE. Yelland, N. (2005).Critical issues in early childhood education. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The High School Education Reform an Example by

The Need for American Public High School Education Reform Stakeholders in the United States education system continue to be concerned with the perceived low quality of public high school education and the inability of schools to produce students who are well-prepared to meet the demands of higher employment standards and a more competitive, continually changing, global labor market. Hanson observes how the United States trails behind Japan and Germany in terms of educating the average student, the person who will be the backbone of the future workforce (27). Indeed, tremendous changes in the global economy, and the changing nature of skill, work, and jobs, wrought largely by the impact of technology and by high performance work organizations, (Lewis 13) have called attention to the deficiences and weaknesses of the United States public high school education system in supplying the countrys increasing need for a more competitive workforce that is crucial in maintaining or even furthering the United States economic advantage and global compet itive edge. (Hanson 26) Need essay sample on "The Need for American Public High School Education Reform" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed In response, the United States government has sought to institute changes in the education sector through policy reforms such as the enactment of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2002 which emphasized standards-based K-12 education and mandated the annual assessment of childrens progress in learning. (Gaddy, Dean, & Kendall 1) Accordingly, States were encouraged to develop their own benchmarks and the means to measure school achievement of grade-level expectations. Likewise, the No Child Left Behind Act also encouraged efforts to implement technology integration in curriculums and in the classrooms in the aim of developing higher order thinking skills among students. (Gaddy, Dean, & Kendall 6) Despite such efforts at improving student learning outcomes, a lot of work clearly needs to be done to transform both the primary and secondary education systems. Weller argues, for instance, that the rapidly changing face of the global economy and the rapid development of technology necessitates schools that emphasize critical and high quality thinking skills, the use of and instruction in the latest technology, the use of teams and cooperative learning strategies to solve problems and make decisions, and the ability to adapt and work in fluid, changing environments. (251) In high school education, this entails aligning curriculums and learning expectations with the changing demands of the labor market in order to provide students with meaningful knowledge and skills appropriate for actual employment. Consequently, the most important change that the government must institute in public high school education is curriculum restructuring particularly in career and technical education courses to adequately prepare students for employment after graduation. Lynch observes that while the government has initiated a partial reform in vocational course teaching and approach in public high school education, there remains a need to redefine the concept of career and technical education in American high schools to address competing expectations from the public and private sectors. (4) In particular, the reform of career and technical education must satisfy the students need for relevant, contemporary career information, knowledge, and skills. (7) To this end, Lynch suggests the implementation of a career and technical education program that enables students to engage in career planning, supports intellectual as well as technical training and preparation, and emphasizes contextual and work-based instruction and learning strategies. (8-10) Clearly, there is a need for educational reforms that would improve the capability of American high schools in producing graduates that would be an asset to the countrys workforce and economy. In this aspect, changes in the quality of the career and technical education courses being offered in public high schools is crucial in education reform. Such changes have address societal expectations in increasing workforce competencies while at the same time responsive to the learning and training needs and expectations of students. Work Cited: Gaddy, Barbara D., Dean, Ceri B., and Kendall, John S. Keeping the Focus on Learning. Aurora, CO: McREL, 2002. Hanson, Lee. K-12 Education for Empowerment: Beyond the Mental/Manual Divide to a U.S. Technician Class? Empowerment in Organizations 3.4(1995): 26-35. Lewis, T. Toward the 21st Century: Retrospect, Prospect for American Vocationalism (Information Series No. 373). Columbus: The Ohio State University, ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education, 1998. Lynch, Richard L. High School Career and Technical Education for the First Decade of the 21st Century. The Journal of Vocational Education Research 25.2 (2000) Weller, L. David. Unlocking the Culture for Quality Schools: Reengineering. International Journal of Educational Management 12.6(1998):250-259.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Jimmy Hoffa, Legendary Teamsters Boss

Jimmy Hoffa, Legendary Teamsters Boss Jimmy Hoffa was the controversial boss of the Teamsters Union when he became nationally famous for sparring with John and Robert Kennedy during televised Senate hearings in the late 1950s. He was always rumored to have substantial organized crime connections, and eventually served a sentence in federal prison. When Hoffa first became famous, he projected an aura of a tough guy who was fighting for the little guy. And he did get better deals for the truck drivers who belonged to the Teamsters. But rumors about his links to the mob always overshadowed whatever legitimate accomplishments he had as a labor leader. One day in 1975, a few years after his release from prison, Hoffa went out to lunch and disappeared. At the time it was widely believed he was planning a return to active involvement in the Teamsters, and it was widely assumed that he was the victim of a gangland execution. The search for Jimmy Hoffa became a national sensation and searches for his body have periodically popped up in the news ever since. The mystery about his whereabouts spawned countless conspiracy theories, bad jokes, and enduring urban legends. Early Life James Riddle Hoffa was born in Brazil, Indiana, on February 14, 1913. His father, who labored in the coal industry, died of a related respiratory disease when Hoffa was a child. His mother and Hoffas three siblings lived in relative poverty, and as a teenager Hoffa left school to take a job as a freight worker for the Kroger grocery store chain. In Hoffas early union days he showed a talent for exploiting an opponents weakness. While still a teenager, Hoffa called a strike just as trucks carrying strawberries arrived at a grocery warehouse. Knowing the strawberries wouldnt keep for long, the store had no choice but to negotiate on Hoffas terms. Rise to Prominence The group Hoffa represented, known locally as the Strawberry Boys, joined a Teamsters local, which later merged with other Teamsters groups. Under Hoffas leadership, the local grew from a few dozen members to more than 5,000. In 1932, Hoffa moved to Detroit, along with some friends who worked with him at Krogers, to take a position with Teamsters locals in Detroit. In the labor unrest during the Great Depression, union organizers were targeted for violence by company goons. Hoffa was attacked and beaten, by his count, 24 times. Hoffa picked up a reputation as someone who wouldnt be intimidated. In the early 1940s  Hoffa began to establish links with organized crime. In one incident, he enlisted Detroit gangsters to  run off a rival union from the Congress of Industrial Organizations. Hoffas connections with mobsters made sense. The mob protected Hoffa, and the implicit threat of violence meant his words carried serious weight. In return, Hoffas power in the union locals let mobsters intimidate local business owners. If they didnt pay tribute, the truckers who made deliveries could go out on strike and bring business to a standstill. Connections with mobsters became even more important as the Teamsters amassed a vast amount of money from dues and payments into pension funds. That cash could finance mob ventures, such as the building of casino hotels in Las Vegas. The Teamsters, with Hoffas help, became a piggy bank for organized crime families. Sparring With the Kennedys Hoffas power within the Teamsters grew in the early 1950s. He became the unions top negotiator in 20 states, where he famously fought for the rights of the truck drivers he represented. The rank and file workers came to love Hoffa, often clamoring to shake his hand at union conventions. In speeches delivered in a gravelly voice, Hoffa projected a tough guy persona. In 1957, a powerful U.S. Senate committee investigating labor racketeering began to hold hearings focused on the Teamsters. Jimmy Hoffa came up against the Kennedy brothers, Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, and his younger brother Robert F. Kennedy, a counsel to the committee. In dramatic hearings, Hoffa tangled with the senators, parrying their questions with streetwise quips.  And nobody could miss  the particular dislike Robert Kennedy and Jimmy Hoffa had for each other. When Robert Kennedy became attorney general in his brothers administration, one of his priorities was to put Jimmy Hoffa behind bars. A federal case against Hoffa finally did convict him in 1964. After a series of appeals, Hoffa began serving a federal prison sentence in March 1967.   Pardon and Attempted Comeback In December 1971, President Richard Nixon commuted Hoffas sentence and he was released from prison. The Nixon administration included a provision with the commutation that he not become involved with union activity until 1980. By 1975, Hoffa was  rumored to be exerting influence within the Teamsters while officially having no involvement. He told associates, and even a few journalists, that he was going to get even with those in the union and the mob who had betrayed him and helped send him to prison. On July 30, 1975, Hoffa  told family members he was going to meet someone for lunch at a restaurant in suburban Detroit. He never returned from his lunch date, and he was never seen or heard from again. His disappearance quickly became a major news story across America. The FBI and local authorities chased down countless tips, but actual clues were scant. Hoffa had vanished, and was widely assumed to have been the victim of a mob hit. Disappearance As a peculiar coda to such a tumultuous life, Hoffa became eternally famous. Every few years another theory of his murder would emerge. And periodically the FBI would receive a tip from mob informant and send crews to dig up backyards or remote fields. One supposed tip from a mobster grew into a classic urban legend: Hoffas body was rumored to be buried under the end zone of Giants Stadium, which had been built in the New Jersey Meadowlands at roughly the time Hoffa had disappeared. Comedians told jokes playing on Hoffas disappearance for years. According to a New York Giants fan site, sportscaster Marv Albert, while broadcasting a Giants game, said a team was kicking toward the Hoffa end of the stadium. For the record, the stadium was demolished in 2010, and no trace of Jimmy Hoffa was discovered under the end zones.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Changes in American Foreign Policy at the Turn of the 20th Century Essay

The Changes in American Foreign Policy at the Turn of the 20th Century - Essay Example In addition to US political, social and economic influence on other countries, foreign policy also covers humanitarian, military, and ideological concerns. This paper seeks to discuss the changes in American foreign policy at the turn of the 20th century. Controlling territories and political alliances During the initial years of the 20th century, United States had less imperial powers as compared to European countries. In order to gain control over other territories including Philippines, Cuba, and Spain, US resulted into war. However, the occurrence of great depression in 1930s weakened the US military strength. This made the country to lack ability to retaliate when Pearl Harbor was struck by Japan in 1941. One of the major initiatives that made US to be involved in European affairs was the World War 1. A major change in US foreign policy was experienced after World War II. After the war, US led in establishing United Nations that was focused at restoring peace in the world and av oiding occurrence of another World War (James 36). Even though US emulated the aspect of isolationist after World War 1, the country was again involved in European affairs when it initiated Marshall Plan that aimed at restoring the political strength of European countries. In addition to the creation of UN, US also established other political alliances such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). One of the major implications on the alliances was creation of strong relationship between US and foreign countries resulting to political and economic growth in many countries. Containment of the Soviet Union The economic, ideological and military competition that existed between Soviet Union and US, led to the creation of massive nuclear weapons. Even though the two countries did not go to war, the strategy of containing the communism and the Soviet Union resulted to the involvement of US in the Vietnam and Korean (James 17). US leadership In order to ensure democracy in US and other countries, United States emulated effective leadership styles. The responsibility of Theodore Roosevelt in building US and controlling other countries cannot be ignored. For example, during the establishment of Panama Canal, Colombian government resisted the US move to make the canal enter the Republic of Colombia. However, even though Roosevelt who was then US president had the power to fight Colombia government, he did not directly go to war with Colombia but supported Panama to fight Colombia as the former sought for independence. The diplomacy depicted by Roosevelt is evident when he led in the negotiation between Russia and Japan in 1905 that resulted to the end of war between the two countries. The leadership style adopted by Roosevelt had a positive implication on the US and other countries culture in that it portrayed the importance of recognizing the importance of emulating negotiation to solve cultural conflicts that are experienced in many countries especially third world nations. Gulf invasion The invasion of Iraq by US in 1990 was not only based on the annexation of Kuwait by Iraq but also it was due to other political and economic reasons (Hiro 23). Due to the high amount of oil in Saudi Arabia, US wanted to support Saudi Arabia in order to benefit from the oil supplies from Saudi Arabia. In addition, the abuse of human rights by President Saddam propelled the invasion of Iraq by US. As a result of the Gulf conflict, the economy of many countries was affected regardless

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Factors impacting todays health care Personal Statement

Factors impacting todays health care - Personal Statement Example It is directly proportional to the CMS regulations of the Federal and state government. This affects the healthcare system because these individuals also tend not to get the preventive care needed to stay healthy. When they come into a medical facility and are sick , sometimes that acuity is increased because of the lack of preventative care. Staff reduction and nursing shortage simply add fuel to the fire as they are the backbone of the healthcare. Amidst this turbulent healthcare system there is some significance that has mushroomed. The Ehealth, expensive prescription drugs, dearth of Nurses have all accounted to a rickety health care environment. But the million dollar question is "Are people ignorant about healthcare insurance"' The answer is some people sacrifice their heatlh for materialistic fancy goods ignoring the fact "Health is wealth". The hospitals are also struggling to balance the disparity between the young and old nurses. But the system needs reformation as people c astigate the government for not managing the economy and government retaliates by increasing the taxes. This is probably not a solution for having better healthcare environment.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Deforestation In Amazon And Local Climate Changes Essay

Deforestation In Amazon And Local Climate Changes - Essay Example The strong threat of climate change is coupled with another eerie possibility that of absolute regional drought that can be caused by climatic change. Most of the remaining tropical forests of the world are in the Amazon region, and some areas of the forest contain huge deposits of the range of organisms present in a particular ecological community or system. Therefore the continuous deforestation in the Amazon threatens climate stability and is an added factor to the global atmospheric change disaster. Scientific research has overwhelmingly proved that cutting and removing trees from their natural environment contributes 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide out into the atmosphere every year. Clearing forests to acquire more land and more human activities in the tropics will release an additional 1300 billion tons of carbon per year, which is greater than the amount of carbon emissions released by 13 years burning of fossil fuel all over the world. The new research conclusively proves that preserving huge forests such as the Amazon as carbon absorbents will contribute a great deal to stabilizing greenhouse gas emissions. Another important factor is the need to reduce levels of emission as these could slow down the capacity of forests to absorb carbon. Method of Research: An official inquiry was carried out for the way in which deforestation effects climate changes with the help of twin numerical experiments of an â€Å"atmosphere general circulation model (AGCM) with prearranged and approved global sea temperature and the AGCM over the global tropics. The results showed that the twenty first century environmental change may be the most unfortunate bequest that will be passed on to future generations. The strong threat of climate change is coupled with another eerie possibility that of unmitigated regional drought brought about by climatic change. More than half of the remaining tropical forests of the world are in the Amazon region, and some areas of the forest contain huge deposits of the range of organisms present in a particular ecological community or system. It is generally measured by the numbers and types of different species, or the genetic variations within and between species. In fact the Amazon contains about 25% of the biodiversity on the face of the Earth (Science Daily 2007). It acts as a major agent of global climate making vapor to produce clouds, which has a deep circulating affect across the entire globe. It also stores mass of living organisms within a particular environment, measured in terms of weight per unit of area and soil carbon. Therefore the continuous deforestation in the Amazon threatens climate stability and is an added factor to the global atmospheric change catastrophe. On the other hand the stabilization of the deforestation of the Amazon forests would provide the chance for adaptation to climate change including contributing towards the improvement of climate change. To control deforestation in the Amazo n would envisage major replacements in policies, governance, sustainability and economic science. Quantity of Rainfall: Rainfall decreases over deforested tracts, because heavy clouds holding copious amounts of water are only attracted to tracts of heavy forests, which was proved conclusively during the Rondonian Boundary Layer Experiment the physical methods and means that constitute the link between rain bearing clouds and heavy forestation. It has been amply demonstrated that the atmospheric limits over areas of heavy forests is more unbalanced and contains larger

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Case Study Of Jennys Restaurant Marketing Essay

A Case Study Of Jennys Restaurant Marketing Essay Jeenys Restaurant is a national chain cafe restaurant with a dedicated customer base, which is known for its best service, good quality food and family dining flair. But in the past year, the company has seen a manifest decline in its sales. The decline in sales is increasing as every fiscal quarter passes by. The reason behind decline in sales is totally unknown to the company. The restaurant has not changed layout or menu options within the past several years. The hypothesized root cause of the problem is poor customer satisfaction. This research will help to analysis the main root cause of sales decline. The objective of this research is to find out whether or not customer satisfaction and experience is the issue, and if so how customer satisfaction can be enhanced. Research Objectives As impact of global recession is still affecting large number of household in United Kingdom with their buying behaviour, it is important to find out if customer satisfaction with particular restaurant is the main cause or there are other factors. This research is going to use primary data by developing questionnaire to the restaurant customers, which helps to find out actual problem and weakness of current situation of the restaurant. The purpose of the literature review is to analyse past experience relating to customer satisfaction elements of the food and dining industry while emphasising on the sales increment. As I am working as a Manager in this restaurant, this research with help of primary data will analyse the customers attitude towards its service and experience, which will help to find out main reason behind downward sales line. The main objectives of this proposal is as follows: To analyze Customer satisfaction and its relative importance (debate) and evidence about key factors influencing peoples choice of fast food restaurant. To identify the best suitable model to measure customer satisfaction for my primary research. To review exiting complains and comments submitted by customers over the past 6 months in order to find out the area of subject where most of the customer did raised the issue. To arrange the questionnaire to the existing customers in order to explore their attitude towards Jennys Restaurant, why they like to dine at Jennys Restaurant, their experiences of and attitude towards current management process and their views on possible changes that the company could make for better satisfaction. To make recommendation to the management at Jennys Restaurant about cost-effective and management strategy that could be implemented in order to increase customer satisfaction. Literature Review Realisation of customer satisfaction in order to get success in the business is essential elements. is How the customers get the satisfaction and how we can measure the different between service provided and customer expectation ? Researcher is going to look different theories, journals and articles to establish an analytical concept about customer satisfaction elements. According to Kotler (2000) a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance in relation to his or her expectations. Also Hoyer and MacInnis (2001) said that satisfaction can be associated with fellings of acceptance, happiness, relief, excitement and delight. It is very important to understand the expectations of the consumers to make them satisfied. According to Hokanson (1995), these factors include friendly employee, courteous employee, accurancy of billing, billing timeliness, competitive pricing, service quality, good value, billing clarity and quick service. Additionaly, (Labarbera and Mazursky,1983) state that By fulfilling the customers needs and wants will helps to achieve customer satisfaction. So that it should be notice by researcher that the customer satisfaction can be occurred by understanding their expectation. After having idea about customer satisfaction, researcher want to know how it can be implement in fast food sectors. According to Farrel (2007) The quick service restaurant responds to the universal desire for inexpensive and reliable fare that is feshly prepared, portable and ready on demand. It explains that the quick service, freshly prepared and economic factors motivate the customers to shop in fast food restaurants. Also according to (Schroder and McEachern, 2005) Brand value, nutritional value, ethical value and food quality determine the customer satisfaction towards fast food restaurant. There are other factors,according to (Jang and Maltila, 2005) Monetary gratification and intangible benefits such as quality and convenience also received high rating in customer satisfaction. Researcher should give attention to the intangible things such as service quality, serving time, internal environment of the company along with the development of core product in order to get maximum customer satisfaction. According to (Katz and Martin 1985) If the firms can improve customers perceptions of the time they spend waiting to be served, then customers will experience less frustration and may feel more satisfied with the service encounter. Also (Ho and Zheng 2004) clarify that A firm might choose a delivery time commitment to influence its customer expectation. However, there are debates and discussion about the influencing factors which are affecting to less shop in fast food industries. According to (Goyal, Singh 2007), The young generation in India likely to go to Fast food restaurant for fun and changes. But they like house food much better than food served at fast food outlets because they have the highest value for taste and quality followed by hygiene. Adding with that (Bose, 2011) stated The most evident advantage of Fast food is that it save time and money for a busy life people, but fast food is unhealthy than home cooked meals, as they contain higher amount of salts, fats and calories . Most of the people today are usually aware that fast food is not the healthiest food to eat. People eat fast food because it is convieneient, cheap and taste good. Fast food is not just less healthy food, but sometime it can be dangerous for your health as well. Stacel (2009). So it is clear that despite of good service provided by the company, th ere is other factors such as health consiousness which affect the customer satisfaction level. Along with that there is hygienic factor which also affect the customer revisit in the particular restaurant. A survey shows, one in three people is worried about the level of food hygiene when buying fast foods. Cleanliness of staff and premises top the list of concerns, followed by the way food is cooked and handled. (Consumer question fast food hygiene, 2003). As a result it can affect the customer to discontinue or decrease there buying behaviour in fast food sectors. According to Hoyer and MacInnis (2001) dissatisfied customers can decide to: discontinue purchasing the goods or service, complain to the company or to a third party and perhaps return the item or engage in negative word of mouth communication. The above study based on previous research explains the reasons for choosing and avoiding the fast food sectors and the importance of customer satisfaction which can be fit or not in the problem statement of the Jennys restaurant. To get the more evidence and support, researcher is going to develop questionnaire survey by using SERVQUAL tools. According to (Stevens, Knutson and Patton, 1995) SERVQUAL method helps to produce a sequence of questionnaire appliance for measuring hospitality service quality in DINESERV. John and Tyas (1996) have also use the tool SERVQUAL for measuring the satisfaction of consumer in restaurant. According to (Lee and Hing 1999) SERVQUAL is an instrument which helps to measure and compare the service quality of the fine dinning sectors which is easy and inexpensive to occur. It showing that the researcher will get help to accumulate the findings and reasons of gap between customer expectation and experience they have had in their last visit. This tools also helps to find out the correlation between service quality, customer satisfaction and purchase intentions. According to (Cronin, Jr and Taylor 1992) There is correlation between service quality, customer satisfaction, and purchase intentions. Service quality is an antecedent of customer satisfaction and consumer satisfaction has a significant effect on purchase intension. Although the popularity of the SERVQUAL tools to measure the service quality level, there are some debate over the use of SERVQUAL instrument. Detractors argue that the difference score leads to unreliable measure and that the dimensionality and validity is erratic. Jiang etl, (2002). However, SERVQUAL measuring method is adopting by thousands of business to know the actual demand and expectation of current customers. Because it helps to explain many factors such as tangible, reliability, responsiveness, competence, courtesy, credibility, security, access, communication and understanding the customers. Parasuraman et. al. (1990). Besides of some disadvantages, SERVQUAL is good tools to understand the customer satisfaction elements. Fedoroff (2011). Methodology Method Approaches (Bryman and Bell 2007) Quantitative research is that research strategy which gives and relates to the quantification in the collection and analysis the data. This method is relates to the deductive approach in testing the theory and research. It takes the positivism epistemological orientation and natural scientific model. It focuses on the objectivism of the social reality Researcher intends to implement all quantitative research methods in a way to trace the best results out of the research. The entire research approach and methodology will be ethical and best at its level. Research will be conducted by keeping in mind the Research Question. The research will be performed using questionnaires. Justification Explanation Conducting survey/interview Analysing data 1. Justification: The advantage of choosing quantitative research method questionnaire Low cost in time and money: As my questionnaire is designed to take just 5 minutes and can be done by making photo copy of 35-40 questionnaire, will help to make it economic and time saving. Respondents can complete the questionnaire when it suits them: As I am going to conduct the survey by requesting them to complete the questionnaire with the time avaibility of the customers. Respondents anonymity: There is no personal identifying information is going to ask to protect the anonymity. Lack of interviewer bias: The disadvantage of choosing quantitative research method questionnaire The need for brevity and relatively simple questions: The most of the part of my questionnaire is going to be closed question rather than open question. Questionnaire development is often poor:. Poor design and concept of questionnaire will not help to find out the actual problem and track to the solution. Lack of control over order and context of answering questions: not to specific Question wording can have a major effect on answers. : one question ask twice with different format to check exact answers. 2. Explanation Preparing for the survey interviews. As I am the manager of the Jennys restaurant I have access to secondary data such as sales figures for the past two years and complain and comments made by the customers in the restaurant and can organise a survey by collecting primary data from a questionnaire given to the existing customers. I am going to choose random sample survey with help of SERVQUAL Questionaire and dineserv method to collect primary data from a questionnaire taking 35-40 customers from Monday to Saturday 9:00am to 9:00 pm. My sample size is going to be small. Requested participants of this study will ask if they are over 18 and willing to complete survey upon exiting the restaurant. Willing participants will be ask to read the informed consent before completing the SERVQUAL Questionnaire survey instrument. Developing the questionnaire. To collect the primary data from the customer, my questionnaire key themes will be to analysis their current experience, expectation and attitude towards the existing setup and behaviour of the organisation. In above literature review, I was trying to analyse and understand customer behaviour and expectation towards food and dinning service, which help me to link and study the existing customer of the Jennys Resturants behaviour and also help me to think analytically about whether customer satisfaction is only the key point in the success of business development or there are other important factors. 3. Conducting Survey/interview The questionnaire survey is going to held on the Jennys Restaurant premises from Monday to Saturday between 9:00am to 9:00 pm. The survey will be conducted by requesting existing customer with detail pre information about the reason of the survey while their visit in the restaurant to fill up the answers of the given questionnaire which will take 5 minutes . The maximise the response rate of questionnaire survey; I am going to use following techniques. Brief Questionnaire: The questionnaire is going to use not more than 20 words to make it less time taking for the respondents. Make the return time not to short and not to long: The questionnaire can be fill during their visit in the restaurant or can take with them by requesting them to return it within 2 weeks time in given address. Easy to read (clear language, good print): The questionnaire is going to use simple language which can be understandable and use of quality printing. Easy to answer: The questionnaire is going to use tick box to place their attitude towards the restaurant. Be clear about what the respondent should do to answer the question: The questionnaire is going to use likert scale format, which is going to clear to click their answer just one for one question in the top of the page. Easy to respond (return envelop): The questionnaire which has been taken by the customer to fill it in their home will be provided a free post return envelop with them. Do not offend the respondents: The questionnaire is not going to include any subjects which will offend the respondents. Trustworthy: The questionnaire will start from explaining about the purpose of research by not taking personal information of respondents and is just for the academic use by showing college identity card to them. Analysing data Statement of service provided (Independent Variable) Very Dissatisfied (Dependent Variable) 1 Dissatisfied (Dependent Variable) 2 Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied (Dependent Variable) 3 Satisfied (Dependent Variable) 4 Very Satisfied (Dependent Variable) 5 Food Quality Service Food Hygiene Price of product Survey: Survey allows the collection of large amount of data from a sizeable population in a highly economical way (Saunders et al, 2008).It was done by explaining questionnaires and handing out and collected during session The research is going to find out the correlation between two variables. One is dependent which is customer satisfaction and another one is independent which is service provided by the company. The changes in the independent variable are going to affect the dependent variable. There are some other moderate variables which influence the relationship between independent and dependent variables. Such as Age, Gender, Marital status etc. As the above questionnaire sample can be broken down to subgroups such as age, gender, marital status to analyse differences. And data can also analysed by looking at average scores for each category (eg. Food quality, service, food hygiene and cleaniness and product price) as categorized in questionnaire to see if there are noticeable difference in their averages. The formula to calculate average score is Average score= Sum of Valued dependent variable which has been ticked divided by No.of dependent variable allocated For example by taking above Table Average score= Food quality (3) + Service (3) + Food Hygine (4) + Price of product (5) divided by 5 =3 It can be broken down into subgroups for food quality, service, food hygiene and price of product to noticeable difference in their averages Checking the forms Spreadsheet Graph/table: Graph are going to allocate to explain and analyse the data. As taken example of above sample, the graph is going to be like. Analytical qs Statistics Ethical issue The questionnaire will start with explaining the purpose of the research which is only for the academic requirement by showing the college Identification card. And also questionnaire will start with explaining the subject matter of the questionnaire up-front. The questionnaire is not going to take any sensitive data, like personal details, history and background to protect there anonymity. The researcher does not use force and hard request to get response from the customers and the research confidentiality should be maintained in term of collecting the data. Timescales and Resources S.No. Phase/Milestone Start Date End Date Notes 1 Literature Review 2 Development of research instrument- final survey/interview Question Schedule 3 Data Collection-completion of survey 4 Data analysis- results of primary data analysis written up 5. Report Writing- finalisation of dissertation. Conclusion Appendix A Quantitative Survey (Questionnaire) Customer Satisfaction Survey: Academic Survey to fulfilment of Master Degree Program(Cavendish College and University of Wales) This survey is being carried out to find out the customer attitude towards the Jennys Restaurant. Please answer the questions freely. You cannot be identified from the information you provide, and all the information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence. The questionnaire should take you about five minutes to complete. Please answer the questions in the space provided. Try to complete the questions at a time when you are unlikely to be disturbed. Also, do not spend too much time on any one question. Your first thoughts are usually your best! Please tick one box for every question. When you have finished the questionnaire please return in to me in the enclosed freepost envelope. Nameà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. What is your age range (Please tick where appropriate) Gender(Please tick where appropriate) 18-30à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Maleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. 31-50à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Femaleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ 51+à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Othersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Question Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Food Quality The food is served hot and fresh The menu has a good variety of item The quality of food is excellent The food is tasty and flavourful The food portion is enough The food provide balance nutrition Restaurant Service My food order was correct and complete Employees are patient when taking my order I was served promptly The menu board was easy to read Employee speak clearly Employee are friendly and courteous The service is excellent Value of price paid Quality of food Food hygiene and cleanliness The handling of food is good Restaurant Premises are clean Toilets are clean Product Price Food is good value for the price paid Prices are competitive If have any comments with the service of our restaurant please share with us. Thank you for taking the time to help us. If you have any queries or would like further information about this project, please call me on 07828857702. Thank you for your help. Activities Appendix B Gant Chart of Time ScaleMay 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week Collection of literature review Critically review of the literature Meeting supervisor Review of project aims and objectives Questionnaire Process Interview the customer Accounting calculation of the breakeven point Meeting supervisor Analysis the accounting data Analysis and interpret qualitative data Analysis and interpret quantitative data Meeting supervisor Final report writing, Amendments, Binding of the project Referencing John. N., and Tyas (1996). Use of service quality gap theory to differentiate between foodservice outlets. Service Industries Journal, 16(3), 321-346. Stevens, P., Knutson, B., and Patton, M. (1995). DINESERVE. A tool for measuring service quality in Restaurants. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 36(2), 56-60. Alan Bryman and Emma Bell, 2007, Business Research Methods-2nd Edition, Oxford University Press Kotler, P., (2000), Marketing Management. 10th ed. New jersey, prentice-Hall. Hoyer, W.D. MacInnis, D.J., 2001, Consumer Behaviour. 2nd Ed., Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co. Hokanson, S., (1995). The deeper you analyze, the more you satisfy customers, Marketing News, p. 16. Labarbera, P.A. and Mazursky, D. 1983, A longitudinal Assessment of consumer satisfaction, Dissatisfaction: the dynamic aspect of cognitive process: Journal of marketing research, vol. 20, Nov, p.p. 393-404. Farrell, JP.,(2007). A management consultant @ large. The evolution of the quick service restaurant. [Online] 25th April 2008. [Cited] 1st of April 2011. Retrived from Goyal, A. Singh, N.P. (2007). Consumer perception about fast food in India: an exploratory study. British food Journal. Vol. 109: Issue:2, 2007. Schroder, Monika J.A. McEachern, Morven G. (2005). Fast foods and ethical consumer value: a focus on Mc Donalds and KFC. British food Journal. Vol 107. Issue:4. 2005. Jang, Dongsuk. Mattila, Anna S. (2005). An examination of restaurant loyalty programs: what kinds of rewards do customer prefers? International Journal of contemporary hospitality management. Vol. 1. Issue:5. 2005. Katz, Karen L. Martin, Blaire R. (1985). Improving customer satisfaction through the management of perceptions of waiting. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Bose, Debopriya. (2011). Advantage and Dissadvantage of Fast food. [Online] 2011. [Cited] 7th of April 2011. Retrieved from Khilawala, Rashida. (2010). Unhealthy Fast Food. [Online] 2010. [Cited] 7th of April 2011. Stacel, Richard. (2009). Why you should avoid fast food at all cost. [Online] 2009 [Cited] 6th of April 2011. Retrieved from BBC News in U.K. Consumer question fast food hygiene. [Online] 17th Feb 2003. [Cited] 5th of April 2011. Retrieved from Lee, Yun Lok. Hing, Nevilee. (1999). 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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Analysis of Robert Frosts Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Essay e

Analysis of Robert Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" is a very well know poem by Robert Frost. The poem appears to be very simple, but it has a hidden meaning to it. The simple words and rhyme scheme of the poem gives it an easy flow, which adds to the calmness of the poem. The rhyme scheme (aaba, bbcb, ccdc, dddd) and the rhythm (iambic tetrameter) give the poem a solid structure. The poem is about the speaker’s experience of stopping by the dark woods in the winter evening with his horse and admiring the beauty of the fresh fallen snow in the forest. Then, the speaker projects himself into the mind of his horse, speculating about his horse’s practical concerns and the horse communicates by shaking his harness bells, and his head impatiently wanting to continue the homeward journey forward. The speaker also tells that he would like to stay but he has to continue home to take care of all the responsibilities before he can die peaceful. In the first stanza, I think that the speaker is familiar with the land; he knows the individual who â€Å"owns† the woods; but that owner doesn’t live on this land instead he lives in the village. The speaker implies that he is trespassing someone’s property but he doesn’t need to worry because that person is in the village and not there anywhere around. So, it’s not an ethical problem for him. He is not ashamed of trespassing somebody’s property. Instead, taking advantage of the moment, h...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Comments On The Financial Performance Of Rap Ltd Essay

Efficient management strategy reflects in the gross profit sales which increased in the year 2008 with 23% as compared with the year 2009. In the year 2009, RAP Ltd. hasn’t focuses on reduces the cost of goods sold which gives a slightly negative reflection on the gross profit. Slight decrease in the year 2009 gross profit because of economic recession in the economy reflects on the gross profit of RAP Ltd. Moreover, RAP Ltd. high ratio of COGS in the shape of FOH, Purchases etc and also due to internal restructuring. On the whole the gross profit margin is fair enough and one should hope that the percentage of gross profit margin will increase in years to come Meigs (1999). NET PROFIT MARGIN The profit margin on sales ratio tells us the ability of the firm to convert its sales into profits. A low profit margin on sales indicates high expenses which consume most of the revenue earned by the firm. In such a case, the firm needs to analyze and point out areas which are producing more expenses than usual. The higher the ratio, the better it is for the company. From the perspective of RAP Ltd. there is a slightly negative moment is reviewed in the year 2009. RAP Ltd. net profit margin in the year 2009 is 12% because of margins in selling, administration expenses and Distribution costs. In that case RAP Ltd. still has a room for improvement in the net profit margin Garrison (2004). Moreover in the year 2009, because of rough economic and business condition, RAP Ltd. efficient business running strategy hit badly in terms of net profit margin. It is viewed that Net Profit margin rate will increase in years to come. The management strategy has helped generate more revenue but there has been significant impact made on the net profit Myers, Brealey and Marcus (2001). LIQUIDITY CURRENT RATIO The current ratio tells us about the liquidity of the company. It is the ratio which tells us the company’s ability to pay off its liabilities using the current assets in case the company is liquidated. Higher the current ratio, the better it is. RAP Ltd. current ratio is slightly on the lower side in the year 2009 in comparison with the year 2008. This ratio indicates a higher margin of safety with respect to meeting current obligations. RAP Ltd. current ratio will not allow them to take more debt as compared to previous years practices. RAP Ltd. current ratio haven’t strong current ratio and its gives a not a strong and positive signal to the creditors that company’s business operation is running on a right path. The current ratio of RAP Ltd. suggests that company have not sufficient and ample reserve cash or liquid asset and RAP Ltd. can’t utilize the excess or reserve cash on their ongoing business. QUICK RATIO RAP Ltd. quick ratio is not better in all the two years period. Although, RAP Ltd. has a higher inventory but improper maintenance of working capital management strategy has also a hurdle in order to produce a healthy quick ratio. In addition, RAP Ltd. quick ratio gives a negative signal to the market, indicating that there is a liquidity problem for RAP Ltd. Besley, Brigham, Scott, Eugene F. (2001). EFFICIENCY STOCK TURNOVER PERIOD RAP Ltd. is able to convert its inventory into cash every 59th day in the year 2009 and 55th day in the year 2008, which is not good going for the company in comparison with the previous years. This shows that RAP Ltd. is better at managing its inventory especially in the years 2008. RAP Ltd. inventory management strategies make a strong reflection on this ratio and it is evident that company’s operating cycle is slightly high in comparison with the previous years which are fair practice as far as company’s perspective is concerned. RECEIVABLE (DEBTORS) DAYS Receivable debtors’ days tells us the average number of days it will take to recover the accounts receivables balance. This allows the investors and the management of the company to analyze the effectiveness of the current credit policy and its implementation. Slow collection period increases the probability of bad debts and this important factor make a reflection on the RAP Ltd. average collection period. RAP Ltd. has employed an effective credit policy for its customers and adopted an aggressive credit policy to collect their receivables. CAPITAL STRUCTURE DEBT TO EQUITY Dependency on debt financing is not a bad habit but it has consequences if you rely on more. RAP Ltd. debt to equity ratio is on the lower side in the year 2009 in comparison with the year 2008 due to the factors of business volume, increment in sales, fulfilment to pay the suppliers and acquisitions of fixed asset. Due to the expansion in business, RAP Ltd. has plenty of financial obligations, most of which has been acquired through equity. DEBT TO ASSET RAP Ltd. D/A ratio, is around 12% in the year 2009. In the year 2008, the debt to total assets is around 14% which is good as far as the performance is concerned. The year 2009 is worst for RAP Ltd. , the main reason behind is the improper utilization of debt in order to capitalize assets. Moreover, it also reveals the fact that the management of the company can’t generate more assets in response with the debt. A higher D/A ratio would place the company under increased amount of risk, especially if the interest rates are rising. Hence, a lower D/A ratio would be more desirable Besley, Brigham, Scott, Eugene F. (2001). INTEREST COVERAGE RATIO This ratio helps the analysts analyze the ability of the firm to pay interest on the debt. This ratio is especially of concern to the creditors of the firm or the banks who are interested in providing debt financing to the firm. If the company is able to pay its interest expense, only then it is able to obtain financing. The TIE ratio of RAP Ltd. is satisfactory since it is showing a high earning before income and tax. TIE ratio is concerned it looks healthy as far as company’s future operations are concerned and it also gives an indication that debt holders are not concerned about the company’s performance because RAP Ltd. has reported an excellent TIE ratio through out two years. It is a good signal for the company’s perspective (Besley, Brigham, 2001). RECOMMENDATIONS My recommendations are stated below: †¢ Design the Internal control system that really helps in the company’s financial policies. †¢ Formulating and implementing the corporate strategy which determines the company’s mission and objectives and also oversight the risk associated with. †¢ High cost of sales make a negative impact on the gross profit and also the raising variable and fixed cost cut down the profit so the company take all necessary step to continue the same practice. †¢ Company also making the strategy to utilize all the assets at its optimum level and not should eyeing on the fact that no asset remains idle. Moreover, company focuses more on capital expenditure. †¢ High leverage and dependency on debt financing create an alarming situation for XYZ Inc because in this current scenario current ratio is slightly weaker and it not gives the right signal to the debt holder. Current Asset can’t generate the income in away that reflects in the current ratio. All in all, not out of the woods but small improvements in sales and margins and return to basics could translate into more upside. CONCLUSION RAP Ltd. portrays a very strong and positive position in the markets place and without doubt this company has an ability to challenge its rivals to have a girds to become the market leader. There are certain areas where RAP Ltd. should pay attention to like in the area of working capital, net profit margin, reduction in revenue expenditures on consistent basis and assist in increase its investor’s confidence towards the organization. C. The limitations are stated below: †¢ The implementation of different accounting policies might distract the reported figures. Like frequently made changes in depreciation methods, in inventory valuation technique etc (Besley, Brigham, Scott, Eugene F. 2001, p. 98). †¢ If the reported figures on financial statement are out of date then the ratio can’t portrait the true picture of the company. †¢ The ratio are also not debated on the risk associated the figures. †¢ If the employees or the management of the company manipulated with the figures or uses the big bath accounting technique or uses window dressing techniques then the ratios are also not clearly projected the company’s performance. (Besley, Brigham, Scott, Eugene F. 2001, p. 98) †¢ Ratios are also not clearly drawn the valid projection of the company’s capital structure or the size of the company’s business (Besley, Brigham, Scott, Eugene F. 2001, p. 98). †¢ It is the reality that inflation distorts the reported amount. Ratio are not provides any appropriate judgment over the issue related with inflation. †¢ The factor of risk is beyond the control of ratios and the ratios are provides any proper evaluation related with risk. REFERENCES Besley, Brigham, Scott, Eugene F. (2001). Principles of Finance. Florida: Harcourt College Publishers. Brealey, Richard A. , Stewart C. Myers, Alan J. Marcus (2001). Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Garrison, Ray H, Eric Noreen, Peter C. Brewer (2004). Managerial Accounting. Meigs, Robert F. , Mary A. Meigs, Mark Bettner, Ray Whittington. Accounting: the basis for Business Decisions. 11th ed. New York: McGraw Hill

Friday, November 8, 2019

Absolute Beginner English Basic Adjectives

Absolute Beginner English Basic Adjectives When absolute beginner students are able to identify a number of basic objects, that is a good time to introduce some basic adjectives to describe those objects. You will need to have some illustrations of similar objects that look slightly different. Its helpful to have them mounted on the same size of cardstock and have them big enough to show to everyone in the classroom. For Part III of this lesson, you will want to have, at minimum, one image per student. Preparation Prepare the lesson by writing a number of adjectives on the board. Use adjectives that are paired in opposites, such as the following: beautiful- uglyold- newhot- coldold- youngbig- smallcheap- expensivethick- thinempty- full Notice that you should use adjectives that describe the outward appearance of things because students have learned only basic everyday object vocabulary prior to this. Part I: Introducing Adjectives Teacher: (Take two illustrations that show similar things in different states.) This is an old car. This is a new car. Teacher: (Take two illustrations that show similar things in different states.) This is an empty glass. This is a full glass. Continue pointing out the differences between the various things. Part II: Getting Students to Describe Illustrations After you feel comfortable that students are familiar with these new adjectives, begin to ask students questions. Stress that students should answer in complete sentences.   Teacher: What is this? Student(s): That is an old house. Teacher: What is this? Student(s): That is a cheap shirt. Continue choosing between the various objects. Besides the traditional  calling on individual students for answers, you can also make a circle game out of this activity. Turn  over the images onto a table and have students each choose one from the pile (or hand them out facedown).  Then each student flips over the image and describes it. After each student has had a turn, mix up the images and have everyone draw again. Part III: Students Ask Questions For this circle game, hand out the various images to the students. The first student, student A, asks the student to his/her left, student B, about the image. Student B responds and then asks the student to his/her left, student C, about Bs image, and so on around the room. For additional practice, reverse the circle so that every student gets to ask and respond about two images. If it will take too long to go around a circle because of the class size, have students pair off and discuss their images. They can then switch pairs with people near them or trade images. Teacher: (Student A name), ask (student B name) a question. Student A: Is this a new hat? OR What is this? Student B: Yes, that is a new hat. OR No, that isnt a new hat. It is an old hat. Questions continue around the room. Part III: Alternative If you want to create a mingle with this activity, deal an image to each student, facedown. Students cannot show anyone their image and instead need to find the opposite of the one they have, like an interactive Go-Fish game. If you have an odd number of students, include yourself in the mingle. Alternates are listed in case students have not had do or where yet.  For  example: Student A: Do you have an old house? OR Where is the old house? OR Are you the old house? I have the new house OR I am the new house.   Student B: I have an expensive bag. I am not the old house.