Saturday, February 29, 2020

Does GDP describes your personal economic well being Essay

Does GDP describes your personal economic well being - Essay Example The term can be mathematically expressed as equal total investment, government and consumer expenditure, plus the exports value, minus the imports value. The GDP of a country can be determined using the following three approaches; which should all provide similar results; the output or product approach, the expenditure approach, and the income approach (Walter, 2000). The product approach is the most direct and totals the outputs of each category to come up with the total. Expenditure approach is guided by the principle that every product has to be purchased by an individual, thus people’s overall spending must equal total product value. Lastly, the income approach basically works on the rule that earnings of productive factors should be equal to their product value and it determines GDP by totaling all of the producers’ earnings. Well being refers to the feeling of being happy, healthy and comfortable according to Kathleen and Thesia, (2005). However, this depends with what we do with it since it is evident that usually people may feel well in various different ways. In most cases, factors to be considered include social environment, surrounding (house), health and personal realization which include hobbies and work place, to determine well being. However, some people tend to think it is impossible to feel well with no swimming pool, a Porsche, or a ticket to travel round the world in a year. Thus, well being begins at the moment one has and can do what he thinks is fit for himself. Parts of well being can determine if you can have something or not same as the structural behavior determines the possibility of receiving something or being accepted to do so. Thus, one of the features of human’s well being is structural behavior. This term generally refers to a state of people having adequate resources to satisfy their needs. It can also be referred to fiscal

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Budgets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Budgets - Essay Example Performance budget on the other hand classifies the expenditure on the basis of the administration units and by the functions of the units, and the items under such administrative unit functions (Rubin, 185). This makes the performance budget so detailed, since it entails a hierarchy of components, starting with the administrative unit, down to the functions under each administrative unit, and then to the items falling under each function of the administration unit. Performance budgeting entails the formulation of and programs to be implemented, their funding from the available revenue sources, and their execution (Rubin, 180). Therefore, activities are given preference over specific items under each activity, and the management of the performance budget is centralized. There are various reasons why the Congress might choose to use the line-item approach. First, it is a simple form of budgeting, since it requires just tracing the expenditure items and linking them to the revenue sources, eliminating unnecessary budgeting details and complexity (Rubin, 187). Secondly, this type of budgeting provides a greater relationship between sources of revenue and expenditure items, through linking