Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Religious Skepticism in the Poetry of Thomas Hardy Essay

Religious Skepticism in the Poetry of Thomas Hardy - Essay Example The two poems previously mentioned prove to be excellent examples for this discussion. The point of views used in both of these poems are carefully crafted to induce a sense of proximity in the reader. The choice of first person in "Hap" immediately forces the reader to identify with the narrator. Moreover, the only other personalities listed are "some vengeful god" (1) or "Doomsters" (13), either of which is decidedly adverse characters, thereby strengthening the reader's empathy with the narrator's sense of torment. "The Convergence of the Twain," however, instead uses a limited third person point of view, thus describing all of the imagery from a distant detached perspective. Above water, this would be described as a bird's eye point of view; beneath the water, it must be viewed from the eye of a fish. Not only its depth below the waterline then distances the scene, but also the alien logic of the animal mind. Considering the religious overtones involved, there are also allusions to the miracle of fish multiplying of the masses to eat: yet here the people are lost, the fish is never caught, and perhaps, by inference, there is no Savior present. For the point of view is only a method by which Hardy discusses his themes of religious skepticism. H... sorrow would be easier to accept were it known to be directly stemming from divine displeasure, "that a Powerfuller than I / Had willed and meted me the tears I shed." (7-8). But the turn of thought, or "volta", in the poem declares it not so. Faith has been tainted by Reason and Logic. The process of scientific observation demands causality, a means of cause and effect, and the only credible source is what can be observed and repeated. If such is the case, then the narrator realizes he is just as likely to experience happiness as sorrow; if only the "Doomsters" (13), who are partially blind to the possibility of happiness, would stop drawing his attention to the pain in Life. The distance provided in "The Convergence of the Twain" implies a more questioning approach to the wreck of the Titanic. The "Pride of Life" (3) lies now at the bottom of the ocean, its riches covered in sea-worms and darkness. An iceberg designed by an "Immanent Will" (18) sank this ship, a symbol of mankind's industriousness and intelligence. On the surface, this would seem to imply a begrudging admission of faith from Hardy. But given his history of religious skepticism, other interpretations prove more applicable. For the ship and iceberg represent Science and Religion, the result of their crashing together can only be the sinking of mankind's faith. This loss is what truly "jars two hemispheres." (33) being both the Earthly and the Heavenly spheres. For Hardy rarely intends the reader to take his words at face value, but rather to impart some comment through the symbolic archetypes available through psychoanalysis. Because Hardy instills every aspect of his poems with multiple levels, even his form of writing must be examined. For whether Hardy concedes the pattern of a Great

Monday, October 28, 2019

Global Culture and New Culture Essay Example for Free

Global Culture and New Culture Essay The concept of Global Culture is defined as the idea of a â€Å"one world culture† wherein the â€Å"earth’s inhabitants will lose their cultural diversity and one culture will be experienced by all people† (Oregon State University, 2008). At present, this kind of phenomenon is one of the most controversial issues that is being discusses and debated by numerous scholars especially in its relation to the changes that is currently happening in the world. However, the idea of a global culture is not a new subject matter, as it had been perceived by previous notable personalities. This is greatly exemplified by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel as they discussed the concept of global culture in the Communist Manifesto. The Communist Manifesto is considered as one of the world’s most influential political manuscripts in which the purposes and program of the Communist League is written. Nevertheless, this document also tackled the Communist League’s criticism of the Bourgeois In order to so, they also gave their perception of global culture and how this phenomenon affects the society. Marx and Engel began the Communist Manifesto by stating that the foundation all existing societies is the history of class struggle. They pointed out that early epochs up to the time that the manifesto was created the society is always composed of competing classes that are most appropriately described as the oppressor and the oppressed. The development and revolutions in history paved the way for two great classes that are directly facing against each other namely: the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat. The formation of the modern Bourgeoisie is the product of a long course of development as well as the series of revolutions with regards to production and exchange (Marx and Engel, 1848). The Bourgeoisie is largely responsible in the changes of the mode of production, which give way to various modifications that greatly exemplified the idea of a global culture. The existence of the Bourgeoisie is dependent upon the continuous revolutionizing of the instruments of production and eventually the relations of productions. This includes expanding the market over the entire surface of the globe for the consumption of its products. Marx and Engel clearly explained the Bourgeoisie’s desire for globalization when they stated, â€Å"It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connections everywhere† (Marx and Engel, 1848). In relation to the idea of market expansion, the Communist Manifesto also give due account of the concept of free trade, which is an important feature in achieving a global culture. The Communist League strongly believes that Free Trade is the main culprit in most people’s perception that personal worth is measured by the exchange of value that is most observable in the importance they give to material things. In order for the Bourgeoisie to pursue their objective of profitability by increasing production, they have to exploit other people by changing the way they think about themselves and modifying the values that they uphold (Marx and Engel, 1848). The Bourgeoisie’s exploitation of the world market is creating a cosmopolitan character to production and consumption of every country. Due to this, it is destroying the old-established national industries that are important in the national identity of a country. Industries do not merely utilized indigenous raw materials but they acquire it from the remotest parts of the world and their products are not merely consumed at their respective countries but also in every quarter of the globe. The globalization of trade also affects other factors such as communication. As such, the very way of life of the people is also influence wherein they adhere to the ideologies of the Bourgeoisie like being consumerists, which heightens the pursuance of this class’ interests (Marx and Engel, 1848). In this sense, Communists support the sentiments of the proletariat that they believed is being exploited by the Bourgeoisie. The league represents the common interests of all proletariats around the world regardless of their nationalities. They represent the proletariats in the different stages of development of the Bourgeoisie wherein there is an observable struggle of the working class. The primary aim of the Communist is similar with all other proletarian parties, which are: â€Å"the formation of the proletariat into a class, overthrow of the bourgeoisie supremacy, conquest of political power by the proletariat† (Marx and Engel, 1848). Nevertheless, the Communist Manifesto clarifies that it is not after the abolition of property in general but rather the eradication of bourgeois property. In doing so, they can be able to uphold the freedom, independence, and equality of an individual that is taken away from him or her due to exploitative wage labor (Marx and Engel, 1848). Communists clearly saw the creation of a global culture through the revolution of production that the Bourgeoisie are responsible for as the cause of most of the world’s evil. Some of the detrimental effects that it gives are the exploitation of people especially the proletariat, the destruction of old established institution like the family, and the very self-value of an individual. On the other hand, some notable scholars like Henry Jenkins and Rob Walker perceive the new culture of globalization in a different light. Their works show the effects of the technological advancement that Marx and Engels noted in the Communist Manifesto. Henry Jenkins main argument was on the concept of Media Convergence. He asserted that the perspective that merely focused on technology is shortsighted. Jenkins emphasized that the real important factor is the understanding of the way by which individuals in the contemporary culture could participate and combine numerous media sources. Comprehending the relationship among various media forms can be done in a more in depth manner if the participation of individuals will be given due consideration. In relation to this, Jenkins suggested that convergence should be seen as a cultural process that is evolving and developing rather than a mere technological end. Moreover, he also elaborated that there are different sited wherein the negotiations between consumers and producers take place. These sites are â€Å"modifying audience measurement, redirecting globalization, re-engaging citizens, renegotiating relations between producers and consumers, redesigning the digital economy, rethinking media aesthetics, regulating media content, redefining intellectual property rights, and restricting media ownership† (Jenkins, 2006). Jenkins’ was able to seriously and extensively study the effects of audience participation in media culture. He was able to highlight the influence of digital popular culture on the behavior of individuals especially in terms of their participation in the field of politics. Rob Walker is also one of the contemporary personalities that has its own perspective with the modern state of production and consumption that exists in the world today. His arguments are centered on the concept of money culture and means of technology like advertising, music, and sequential art. The focus of Walker study is in examining the consumer behavior of an individual from the lens of business and anthropology. He discussed various products and the corresponding consumer trend that is was able to create. Walker attempts to understand the reasons behind consumers’ response to a certain product, which ranges from toothpaste to alcoholic drinks up to television programs. In doing so, he tend to critical analyze the a particular product by trying to understand the underlying concept of its brand name, target consumer, and even its effect on those who patronize it. Furthermore, he also tries to establish a connection between the product and the consumer by explaining how the characteristic or attitude of a consumer is reflected in the products that he or she buys (Walker, 2008). Marx and Engels’ Communist Manifesto calls the people especially the proletariat to take action in abolishing the concept of private property of the Bourgeoisie class that tends to exploit other people and destroy the very culture of nations. On the other hand, Jenkins and Walker also give emphasis in the participation of people in the convergence of media but they pointed out that this aids in the formation of identity rather than a mere way for exploitative labor. National identities are formed because of the existence of mass media that allows its audience to create their own texts and introduce their own identities that allows other people in the globe to see and understand other cultures. The existence of mass media in terms of the concept of convergence is already regarded as a cultural process in itself that allows people to develop their identities. In this modern age, mass media is not merely a technological advancement but rather it is a tool that allows people to participate and interact in the international community. References Jenkins, H. (2006). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York University Press. Marx, K. , Engels, F. (1848). Manifesto of the Communist Party. Retrieved December 8, 2008, from http://www. marxists. org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/ch01. htm. Oregon University States. (2008). Definitions of Anthropological Terms. Retrieved December 8, 2008, from http://oregonstate. edu/instruct/anth370/gloss. html. Walker, R. (2008). Buyingin: The Secret Dialogue between What We Buy and Who We Are. New York: Random House.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Social Promotion :: essays research papers

Most children are taught since the beginning of their educational careers that they must do well, and succeed if they wish to be acknowledged. There was always a black sheep, some boy or girl, who did not do their work and was held back. Consequently, these children were used as horrifying examples of what could happen. However, was the child really at fault for failing to complete grade requirements, or was the system in which they were taught in error? The evidence available demonstrates that children who were retained were not unintelligent, but that education policies were to blame. Although the human race has gone through stupendous scientific awakenings, it is suprising to see that the education policies practiced today are based on the reasonings of a dead age. It is certainly not because Americans do not value their children’s educations but perhaps because we live in a country that is not always aware of significant aspects of our society, particularly education. Soc ial promotion, in use nationally for at least 20 years , is an educational policy where students are advanced from grade to grade. There is no regard to their learning because it is a widely accepted notion that they learn better with their peers. â€Å"Studies show that it’s better to promote an underachiever than keep them down,† stated Peg Dawson from the National Association of School Psychologists. Yet, high profile protesters of this system include both United States President Bill Clinton and The American Federation of Teachers. In many cases, children are advanced repeatedly without knowing basic educational skills, and suffer greatly when in high school. Social promotion, used throughout the course of the American educational system as a standard policy, is archaic, and should be altered to address individual student needs, helping to create a future conscientious and prosperous society. The other frequently used option, retention of a student, has also displayed several negative characteristics and is not a likely alternative. Drop-out rates for grade repeaters are generally higher than most students and they often display greater behavioral problems, due largely to the fact that they are older than their classmates. A qualitative comparison is that while only 20.4% of students not delayed were not enrolled in a 4-year college, 54.7% of delayed students were not enrolled in a 4-year college. More than double are not enrolled. The ratio of delayed to non-delayed students with Bachelors Degree’s is 1.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Free Essays - Animal Farm :: Animal Farm Essays

Social commentary is sometimes found at the heart of good art, whether that art form is literature or popular music. The novel, Animal Farm by George Orwell, and the rock album, Animals written and performed by Pink Floyd share the same characteristic of scathing social commentary. The artworks also share an animal metaphor that serves to cast a dark light on human social interactions and stratification functions. Conversely, the artworks individually attack the diametrically opposed, socio-economic systems of communism (by Orwell) and capitalism (by Roger Waters). The artworks are individually astounding, but when viewed in tandem, alludes to the idea that socio-economic systems are still evolving and in time the terms capitalism and communism will be thought as ineffective as feudalism.   The shared characteristics of social commentary and animal metaphor literally, are what make these particular artworks the amazing examples of their respective genres that they are. The animal metaphor tends to depict humans as being motivated by our animalistic desires, as well as the tendency among ourselves to be highly competitive and often, ruthless. In Animal Farm, Orwell puts the pigs as being the leaders, or the exploiters of the masses, depending on your point of view. Waters does the same in Animals, depicting the pigs as uncaring, self-involved, and overbearing masters of the masses. In both works, dogs are an enforcer-type, driven either by a sense of patriotism, honor, and pride, but also those misanthropes who relish in the power they have been given and enjoy abusing those weaker than themselves. The sheep are a shared characteristic of both works, depicting them as easily manipulated and led to the slaughter.   The works diverge from one another in which philosophy they individually espouse. Orwell’s novel is an obvious attack against communism. The pig characters of the novel represent the political figures of the early days of the Soviet Union. Orwell goes on to depict the system of the so-called â€Å"class-less† society as an incredible failure, while time would ultimately prove his early analysis as being correct. Any large-scale, highly organized society in all of human history has required social stratification, and Russia of the early twentieth century would prove to be no different. As with any society, those with power have been and still are tempted to abuse that power for their own individual ends, often at the expense of those that have granted them their power. Capitalism is not immune from this inherent flaw in social stratification either.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Drug Related Problems

Drug related problem Drug related problems (DRPs) are prevalent and causing considerable patient morbidity and mortality. Many of these DRPs are preventable through following the guidelines and rational drug used. There are many factors controlling the DRP occurrence such as patient age, disease status, drug characteristics, etc. High risk factors 1. Elderly (> 65 years); due to age related changes in pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetics 2. Acute diseases such as acute renal failure, sepsis, etc†¦ 3.Patients with many chronic diseases; diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, liver problem, AIDS, etc†¦ 4. Patients with renal impairment or haemodialysis 5. Patients in special situations; pregnancy, lactation, 6. Certain diseases and their medications: cancer, diabetes, heart failure. 7. Polypharmacy (taken many drugs > 5 drugs) 8. Drug; certain drug classes are commonly involved e. g. Warfarin, insulin, digoxin, TCAs, etc†¦ Classification of drug-related problems 1. Inappropriate drug choice: Unjustified deviation from management guidelines consensus therapeutic can worsen the condition.Deviations that are based on the patient’s individual treatment goal and risk factors are not considered to be DRPs (e. g. Antibiotic used for viral infection. Furosemide prescribed for patient with hypokalemia). 2. Lack of necessary drug: Either one or more drugs are missing according to established guidelines or a medical problem is being treated with too little of the appropriate drug (under-prescribed) or appropriate drugs may be not used for maximum effectiveness. Moreover, duration of treatment may be too short which can lead to incomplete treatment.Deviations from guidelines that are based on the patient’s individual treatment goals and risk factors are not considered to be DRPs (e. g. B-blockers in heart failure or post-MI, stop diuretic before edema treated or loop diuretic used only for resistant edema). 3. Unnecessary drug and Duplicati on: A drug is unnecessary if the indication is no longer present, with continuation/prolonged use or double prescription of two or more drugs from the same therapeutic group or gives the same result. This intensifies their therapeutic effect and side effects.Duplication also can occur when more than one physician prescribes medications to a single patient or when a patient takes over-the-counter drugs with the same active ingredient (e. g. Long-term antibiotic prescribed for simple infection. Used of Ibuprofen and diclofenac concomitantly. 4. Incomplete medication history taking: Inappropriate integration of patient’s medical history can lead to many interactions due to lack of patient’s information such as hypersensitivity â€Å"medication allergy†, other diseases, OTC or herbal and medication used (e. g.Patient has allergy to penicillin). 5. Inappropriate dose or regimen: Dosing too high (overdose) or too low dose. Suboptimal dosing (including dosing time and formulation) according to established national/international guidelines, including frequency of dosing or duration of therapy. Deviations that are based on the patient’s individual treatment goal and risk factors are not considered to be DRPs (e. g. too high ACE inhibitor dose prescribed in relation to kidney function. Too low paracetamol dose use in relation to symptom-giving arthritis). . Adverse drug reaction (ADR): Any noxious, unintended, and undesired effect of a drug, which occurs at doses in humans for prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy (e. g. orthostatic hypotension happens with blood pressure lowering drug or intolerance dry cough due to ACE inhibitor). 7. Interaction: Drug–drug interaction, drug-food interaction, drug-disease interaction, drug-herbal, etc†¦ An interaction is occurring when the effect of a drug is changed by the presence of another drug, food, drink, herbal or some environmental chemical agent.Drug combinations with intended overall effe ct are not considered to be DRP (e. g. Drug–drug interaction; Furosemide and digitalis (increased effect/toxicity of digitalis with hypokalemia). Drug-food interaction; Amiodarone and Grapefruit, Grapefruit and Simvastatin (increase drug serum concentrations), or Tetracycline and calcium. Drug-disease interaction; used NSAIDs in chronic renal impairment). 8. Discontinuation of needed medication: Some times discontinuation of medication without reasonable medical indication can lead to therapeutic failure or a problem in treatment plan.In addition, stop some medications before controlling the disease or have good monitoring method can lead to failure in treatment plan (e. g. discontinue antibiotic before finishing its therapeutic course or stop Heparin injection before or just on start of Warfarin). 9. Contraindication: the used of some drugs are prohibited for some patients because to harmful risks of using these drugs are exceeding the benefits of their effect (e. g. ACE inh ibitor uses in treating high blood pressure in a pregnant lady or using sulfa-drug in G6PD deficiency patients). 10.Abrupt stoppage medication: for certain medications, abrupt stopping can exacerbate the problem or lead to complications related to drug. The stopping process should be gradually (e. g. abruptly stopping B-blocker in MI patients or stopping Corticosteroid suddenly). 11. Untreated medical conditions: can lead to worsening of the disease or may lead to more serious problems (e. g. untreated dyslipidemia in patients with other risk factors). 12. Lack of necessary monitoring: Monitoring with respect to effects and toxicity of drugs is not done or does not adhere to guidelines (e. . INR for Warfarin. Thyroid function tests in patients taking levothyroxine 13. Others: In general, DRPs that do not belong to aforementioned categories. References 1. Bemt P and Egberts A (2007) Drug-related problems: definitions and classification. Journal of European Association of hospital Pha rmacists (EAHP), 13, pp 62-64. 1. Lee S, Schwemm A, Reist J, Cantrell M, Andreski M, Doucette W, Chrischilles E and Farris K (2009) Pharmacists’ and pharmacy students’ ability to identify drug-related problems using TIMER (tool to improve medications in the elderly via review).American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 73, 3, pp 52-62 2. PCNE Classification for drug related problems (2006) Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe Foundation. Available from World Wide Web: http://www. pcne. org/dokumenter/DRP/PCNE %20classification%20V5. 01. pdf 2. Ruscin M (2009) Drug-Related Problems in the Elderly. Merck, Available from World Wide Web: http://www. merck. com/mmpe/sec23/ch341/ch341e. html 3. Ruths S, Viktil KK, Blix HS. Classification of drug-related problems. Tidsskr Nor Leageforen 2007; 127: 3073–6 Prescription Auditing SheetPatients Name Age: years Drug related problem: |Inappropriate drug choice |Lack of necessary drug | |Unnecessary drug and Duplication |Inco mplete medication history taking | |5. Inappropriate dose or regimen |6. Adverse drug reaction | |7. Interaction |8.Discontinuation of needed medication | |9. Contraindication |10. Abrupt stoppage medication | |11. Untreated medical condition |12. Lack of necessary monitoring | |13. Others | | Specification of the problem (and intervention if any): )†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 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Patient Resume Age: Sex: Drug Allergies: Medical History – – – – – – – Medication History – – – – – Laboratory Data base

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Making a standard solution Essay Example

Making a standard solution Essay Example Making a standard solution Paper Making a standard solution Paper To find the molarity of the unknown acid, first we had to create a standard solution, the solution we created was Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). We wanted a 0. 1 molar solution of sodium hydroxide so to get this we had to dissolve 4g of NaOH into 1000cm? of water, but we didn’t want 1000cm? we wanted 250cm? so to work out how much sodium hydroxide would be needed you need to do the same equation to the number of grams (g) than with the volume of water, so to get 1000cm? down to 250cm? You divide it by 4, so you divide 4 by 4 which gives you 1, so one gram of NaOH is needed to make a 0. 1 molar solution in 250cm? of water. Next is making the solution, the equipment needed to make this standard solution is: a balance, beaker, volumetric flask, glass rod, wash bottle. And the ingredients for the solution are NaOH and distilled water. To make NaOH solution is to measure out 1g of sodium hydroxide and place on a scrap piece of paper which is on the balance, it isn’t essential that you get exactly 1g just approximately 1g. Then put some distilled water into a beaker enough to dissolve the sodium hydroxide, transfer the sodium hydroxide from the paper to the beaker and dissolve by swirling and stirring. Once dissolved transfer this solution to a volumetric flask, and wash out the beaker and glass rod which was used to stir the solid NaOH into the water, now add distilled water to the volumetric flask, up until the bottom of the meniscus is on the 250cm?line and shake and mix it up a little, then you have made your solution. In my solution it wasn’t 1g, I weighed 0. 99g. The next stage is to calculate the molarity of your solution. To work out the moles it is moles= grams ? relative molecular mass (RMM) so for my solution it will be 0. 99? 40 (40 is the RMM of sodium hydroxide, this is calculated by adding the mass of each atom in the compound together, so for NaOH it is Na=23 O=16 and H=1. 23+16+1=40 this is where the 40 comes from.) 0. 99 ? 40= 0. 02475 rounded to 4 decimal places is 0. 0248 that is the molarity of the 250cm? but molarity is always measured in 1000cm? so now you have to times 0. 0248 by 4, 0. 0248 x 4= 0. 992, and that is the final molarity of your solution so my molarity is 0. 992M. Now is to titrate you solution with the unknown acid, to do this you need: a clamp, a beaker for acid, a beaker for your standard solution and another beaker for waste, a conical flask, 50ml burette, 25ml pipette. Once all the equipment has been set up you now need to add your unknown solution into the burette and leave the tap open and put the waste beaker under it to make sure there is no air bubbles in the burette, turn the tap off and fill the burette up, now take the pipette filler and fill up your pipette with your standard solution and put that in the conical flask, add a colour indicator to the conical flask and put the conical flask under the burette open the tap, and you are looking for the first colour change that lasts for approximately 10 seconds, repeat the titration until you have 3 results within . 1 of each other. In my titrations I did 4, the first result was 22. 6ml used, the second was 23. 1ml, third was 22. 7ml and the final one was 22. 8ml. Now the calculation for the molarity of the acid can be solved. The first step in working out the concentration of the unknown acid is balancing the equation. The equation for our experiment is: NaOH + HCl i NaCl + H2O and this equation is already balanced because there is 1 atom of Na on each side, 1 atom of O on each side, 2 atoms of H on either side and 1 atom of Cl on each side. So this reaction is a 1:1 reaction. The reasons this is a 1:1 reaction can be found in the periodic table, the RMM of each side of the equation has to be the same and to work this out you need the atomic mass, Na=23, O=16, H=1 (x2) and Cl=35. The atomic mass is the larger of the two numbers on the periodic table found with an element. The total of these atomic masses is 76. And it is exactly the same on the other side it is just that the compounds are different, this is due to the groups on the periodic table that they are in and that determines the bonds between atoms. The equation to work out the concentration of the unknown acid is: moles x 1000 ? average titration. The average titration is all the titration results added together and divided by 4, but we are going to discard the 23. 1ml result because it isn’t close enough to the other three so is recognised as an anomaly, so (22. 6 + 22. 7 +22. 8)? 3 = 22. 7cm? so now using the equation you can work out the concentration of the acid. (0. 0248 x 1000)? 22. 7 = 0. 1093, the actual concentration of the acid was 0. 0984. My predicted concentration is 0. 0109 above the actual concentration this could be due to inaccuracies with the measuring of the mass of NaOH to begin with also wrongly measuring the amount of my standard solution was used to titrate the acid.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Difference Between Of and From

The Difference Between 'Of' and 'From' Many English learners have difficulties understanding the difference between of and from in English. This comes from the fact that a number of languages, like Italian and French and German, use the same preposition for both of and from. For example, in Italian, the phrase I am from Milan or I come from Milan can be translated as, Sono di Milano. The possessive use of of in English can also use the preposition di in Italian. For example, the phrase, Hes a friend of ours can be translated into Italian as, E un amico di noi. In other words, the preposition di in Italian corresponds to the use of both from and of in English. This is true in many languages. In English, however, there is a distinct difference between of and from. Using Of in a Sentence Of is mainly used as a possessive. For example: Hes a friend of mine.The color of the house is red. It is important to remember that it is more common to use the possessive s or the possessive adjective in English than to use of- even if of is grammatically correct. Thus, the sentences above would generally be in these forms: Hes my friend.The houses color is red. Common Phrases With Of Of is also commonly used with all and both to describe a common trait that many objects share. For example: All of the students in the class enjoy volleyball.Both of the assignments are due at the end of the week. Common Phrases With Of Another common phrase with of is one of the superlative form plural noun singular verb. This phrase is commonly used to focus on a specific object that stands out from a group. Notice that although the plural noun is used, the singular phrase takes the singular conjugation of the verb because the subject is One of the.... For example: One of the most interesting things about my job is the people I meet.One of the most difficult subjects for me is math. Using From in a Sentence From is generally used to express that something originates from something else, that something comes from somewhere, or some person. For example: Jack comes from Portland.This formula derives from the work of Peter Schimmel.This pearl comes from the South Pacific. Common Phrases With From From can also be used with the prepositions to and until to mark the beginning and ending point of time of an action or state. Generally, is used with past tenses, while from...until is used when speaking about future actions. However, can be used in most situations. For example: I played tennis from two to four in the afternoon yesterday.We are meeting in Chicago from Monday until Thursday. Understanding the difference between of  and from can be tricky at first for ESL students, but like all commonly-confused words, the difference between them becomes more clear the more they are used.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Street Slang For Scriptwriting

Street Slang For Scriptwriting Street Slang For Scriptwriting Street Slang For Scriptwriting By Sharon If youre writing a script, one way that you can bring it to life is to let your characters speak in current street slang. Thats the advice from the creators of Raindance, which promotes independent film in the UK. They have suggested a number of current slang phrases to give your characters some street cred. Here are some that caught my eye: Seagull manager A manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, and then leaves. SITCOMs Single Income, Two Children, Oppressive Mortgage. What yuppies turn into when they have children and one of them stops working to stay home with the kids or start a home business. 404 Someone whos clueless. From the World Wide Web error message 404 Not Found meaning that the requested document could not be located. There are lots more fun phrases to see. A full list is here. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Farther vs. Further8 Types of Parenthetical PhrasesJanuary 1 Doesn't Need an "st"

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Financial Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Financial Analysis - Essay Example The global systems insurance agency start-up budget was $2,345,000 which entails four critical sections that must be available for the implementation process of the project. Employees and payroll taxes amounted to $1,600,000 under administration costs. The start up of this sophisticated business project called for different kinds of skills and expertise in the field of technology to enable the implementation of this project successful. Their efforts and sacrifice of their time were compensated in monetary value. The computers, repairs, services, maintenance and depreciation accumulated to a cost of $98,000. Due to unfavorable conditions that some computers were in, more computers were purchased and upgraded to improve technology of the SYPRO softwares. Their implementation cost was $597,000 which was broken into specifications of online software cost $500000, testing cost $60,000, training cost $25000, and SYPRO support $12000. In the standard preparation of budgets, there is always a provision for miscellaneous expenses that might be incurred and, therefore, a total of $50,000 was catered for these expenditures. The above costs were only budgeted for the beginning year of 2014. The figure below shows the start up Budget for the first year. Our respective income and expense statements replicate our financial positions of a year before the implementation of the SYSPRO software. They also clearly show a year prior to the implementation and the financial positions of the three years to come. It should be known that the projection of the future financial positions of subsequent years was based on the present performance data for financial analysis. For an efficient and sufficient implementation of the SYSPRO softwares, an ample start-up capital is required for the research and development expenses. Our initial capital for the SYSPRO implementation was $597,700. The

Friday, October 18, 2019

The J.C. Penney Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The J.C. Penney Case - Assignment Example Having said the above, it would also be stressed that the fact that the components of the new business model worked together did not necessarily mean that they could achieve the goal for which they were set. It cannot also be said that the components could lead to the expected results of the company. The lapses came because there were some key components that were missing from what was institutionalized. More specifically, the new business model had eliminated the role of customers as there was no market research leading up to the implementation of the model. Meanwhile, customers have been identified as very important stakeholders in the success of any business model (Ofek & Avery, 2012).One major deficiency that can be seen from the administration of Johnson is that its business model was totally disjointed from its pricing strategy. As a matter of fact, the aggressive sales expert team that was institutionalized as a result of the new business model could have functioned best if th ere were specific promotions they were championing. The business model was however brought in place after the old pricing strategy which was the high-low pricing strategy had been scrapped. This created a total disconnect between the business model and the pricing strategy because there was virtually no promotion in place for the sales experts to pursue. Meanwhile, the customer base of the company had repeated given signal to the fact that it preferred to have promotional sales in place.

Part 3 Policy Choices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Part 3 Policy Choices - Essay Example Third, these new environmental conditions favor the further development of genetic variations within the isolated group. Over a short amount of time, which can last thousands of years in evolutionary paleontology terms, the descendants of the isolated group become a new species morphologically different from the original population (Eldredge & Gould, 1972, p. 94-95; Gould 2002, p. 766-768). As a result, organisms rarely show any gradual evolutionary change throughout their phylogeny. Instead, new species appear quite suddenly in the fossil record. Working from the theoretical insights of Eldredge and Gould, Frank Baumgartner and Bryan Jones used PE to explain their observations on public policy. Baumgartner and Jones (1 993) found that for long periods of observations on different policy subsystems, policy change rarely occurred (p. 17- 18). However, on rare occasions certain policy conditions fluctuated such as the venue for a policy debate or the public's image of a specific policy problem. Fluctuations in venue and image often led to a quick policy change that was immediately followed by additional long periods of policy stasis (Baumgartner & Jones, 1993, p. 38). As a result, Baumgartner and Jones concluded that the evolution of any public policy followed a PE pattern rather than a gradual, incremental pattern. While Frank Baumgartner and Bryan Jones owed much of their insights on PE to Eldredge and Gould, they also used previous research from agenda-setting studies, the policy subsystems literature, and social choice theory to help configure the idea of PE to existing research on public policy. By using these three concepts from social science research, Baumgartner and Jones brought a theory from evolutionary paleontology to political science. This made PE a viable model of the policy process. With the incorporation of agenda-setting, the PE model had its basic political science foundation. Political scientists classify agenda-setting as a debate among advocacy groups, agencies, policymakers, the public, the media, and any other interested organizations over the problems that should be on the active policy agenda of policymakers (Baumgartner & Jones, 1993, p. 10; Kingdon, 1995, p. 3). Once on the agenda, governmental debates over a policy problem occur and the probability of policy change increases. Therefore, agenda-setting becomes important in the PE model because it helps to describe the most fundamental part of policy change. Bringing a policy problem to the agenda is a tough process. Successful agenda-setting usually happens when the public directs the right mix of attention to policymakers on a policy problem that already has various solutions advocated by organized interests (Hunt, 2002, p. 75-76). This helps to change the image of the policy problem from the perspe ctive of policymakers. Such a change in image also causes more policymakers to consider solving the problem with new legislation. When more policymakers know more about a specific policy problem, a change in venue for debates over the problem often occurs. By moving the policy discussion from its usual venue, such as a particular Congressional committee, policy change is more likely to occur. With the interaction of changing images and venues, more people become involved in the policy process and it becomes more open and more susceptible to change. This is an important

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Management - Essay Example The basic idea that runs in our mind when we mention personal investment is about the risks and returns, but in reality we ask ourselves are this really the main concerns we ought to look at? In order to understand well this question I undertook a comprehensive look into the factors that affect personal investment in the UK., Personal investment To begin with, we need to understand what personal investment entails. Personal investing is one of the important components that one needs to understand while undertaking personal finance. Personal investment and personal finance are two terms that in many occasions are used interchangeably. However, it is worth noting that as much as one could use them to mean the same thing, in reality they have a slight difference. Personal finance is the broader term that describes the process of effective organization or management of assets that are in the possession of the family or an individual (Tatum, 2006). Therefore, the basic definition for pers onal investment will be a component of personal finance that involves taking investment activities such as undertaking a secure financial cushion that will cater for later years. One can also put it as, a long-term personal commitment that involves inherent risks and accrues regular income or leads to capital growth (Hargreaves Lansdown, 2009). The relationship between risk and return The key question in this symposium is whether personal investment only revolves around risks and returns. From my own opinion, I will agree with the question. The main reason we would be all want to carryout personal investment is for the returns, which determine how our future will turn out (My Wealth Guide, 2008). On the other hand, we cannot talk about returns and leave out risks because the two go hand in hand. Therefore, to be able to answer this question comprehensively we first need to understand what the relationship between risk and returns. This is because, for anyone who wishes to put his mo ney in an investment, the primary concept they need to understand is the relationship between the risks involved and the returns of the investment. It is worth noting that, in investment, the basic trick that an investor has to be aware of is that the more risk an investment has, the higher the chances of having a better return (TD Direct Investing Ltd., 2010). Therefore, before taking the risk one should have an idea of which risks as an individual one would be willing to take in order to generate more returns with the hope that the risk does not occur. This is why in order to formulate a good investment plan; you will need to asses each available risk that you are willing to undertake. There are many risks in the field of investment and when we look at each risk in detail can take a very long time. However, I have compiled a few of the major risks that tend to affect personal investment in the UK that are as following. We have the: Inflationary risk One think we can all agree on i s that the past few years have not been some of the best for UK and the world in terms of the economy. Moreover, this is where the inflationary risk comes in to play. The risk means that the value of an asset becomes lesser as inflation reduces the value of the country’s currency. Liquidity risk It refers to the risk that you as an investor may encounter when you have a need for liquid assets but are unable to sell or buy an investment because of the


CYBER ATTACKS ON ENERGY AND FINANCIAL SECTOR - Thesis Proposal Example US Financial sector is largest in the world and billions of dollars are transacted through this system not only within US but also across the border. The relative penetration of the financial system into the very fabric of American society therefore gives financial sector a more critical place within the modern American society. With the advances in technology, most of the transactions in the financial sector take place online with the help of the internet and other information technology tools. Such high dependence on the information technology therefore makes the system highly vulnerable to the external threats including the cyber attacks. Similarly, the energy sector is critical for the survival of the country because most of the manufacturing and our daily activity is supported by this sector. A complete collapse of this system therefore will put the country as stand still and probably no economic activity can be conceived without the support of the energy sector. Another important dimension of the cyber spying on the energy sector is basically to extract important information regarding the potential energy deposits which US companies explore all over the world and a systematic attack on this information therefore can cost Billions to US economy if it goes into wrong hands. It is believed that Chinese hackers are trying to intrude into the systems of the energy companies with specific target of extracting the important data on the oil and gas exploration. (Yemma, 2010) These arguments therefore indicate that any type of cyber attacks on these two sectors can be significant from the point of view of the homeland security. Easy access to technology and significant improvement in the knowledge base of the cyber criminals and terrorists, it is really easy to conceive a cyber attack of any magnitude on both these sectors. It is therefore, really critical a pro-active approach to be adapted by the security agencies of US including homeland

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Management - Essay Example The basic idea that runs in our mind when we mention personal investment is about the risks and returns, but in reality we ask ourselves are this really the main concerns we ought to look at? In order to understand well this question I undertook a comprehensive look into the factors that affect personal investment in the UK., Personal investment To begin with, we need to understand what personal investment entails. Personal investing is one of the important components that one needs to understand while undertaking personal finance. Personal investment and personal finance are two terms that in many occasions are used interchangeably. However, it is worth noting that as much as one could use them to mean the same thing, in reality they have a slight difference. Personal finance is the broader term that describes the process of effective organization or management of assets that are in the possession of the family or an individual (Tatum, 2006). Therefore, the basic definition for pers onal investment will be a component of personal finance that involves taking investment activities such as undertaking a secure financial cushion that will cater for later years. One can also put it as, a long-term personal commitment that involves inherent risks and accrues regular income or leads to capital growth (Hargreaves Lansdown, 2009). The relationship between risk and return The key question in this symposium is whether personal investment only revolves around risks and returns. From my own opinion, I will agree with the question. The main reason we would be all want to carryout personal investment is for the returns, which determine how our future will turn out (My Wealth Guide, 2008). On the other hand, we cannot talk about returns and leave out risks because the two go hand in hand. Therefore, to be able to answer this question comprehensively we first need to understand what the relationship between risk and returns. This is because, for anyone who wishes to put his mo ney in an investment, the primary concept they need to understand is the relationship between the risks involved and the returns of the investment. It is worth noting that, in investment, the basic trick that an investor has to be aware of is that the more risk an investment has, the higher the chances of having a better return (TD Direct Investing Ltd., 2010). Therefore, before taking the risk one should have an idea of which risks as an individual one would be willing to take in order to generate more returns with the hope that the risk does not occur. This is why in order to formulate a good investment plan; you will need to asses each available risk that you are willing to undertake. There are many risks in the field of investment and when we look at each risk in detail can take a very long time. However, I have compiled a few of the major risks that tend to affect personal investment in the UK that are as following. We have the: Inflationary risk One think we can all agree on i s that the past few years have not been some of the best for UK and the world in terms of the economy. Moreover, this is where the inflationary risk comes in to play. The risk means that the value of an asset becomes lesser as inflation reduces the value of the country’s currency. Liquidity risk It refers to the risk that you as an investor may encounter when you have a need for liquid assets but are unable to sell or buy an investment because of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

John Stuart Mills Harm Principle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

John Stuart Mills Harm Principle - Essay Example If we count mere hurt, offence, annoyance, and mental distress as harms, the principle will countenance political interference with nearly every activity, and liberty will amount to naught. On the other hand, if we count only physical damage to persons as harm, most every activity will be permitted and there will be little scope for the political protection of persons. (Kernohan, 1993, 2-5) Certain harms, however, had an interesting structure which straddles these extremes; sometimes activities which, individually, are merely annoying, innocuous, or even beneficial add up to doing physical damage or severe harm. Following Feinberg, R.V Brown call these "accumulative harms," and argue that, even on a stringent conception of harm. Mill's harm principle should be interpreted as requiring political interference to prevent them. There is a related ambiguity in the interpretation of the harm principle. Should the principle offer protection against harms or only against harmful conduct Harmful conduct is activity done either maliciously or recklessly that causes harm to others. (Kernohan, 1993, 2-5) The harmful conduct interpretation fits most naturally with the background, individualist assumption of our legal system regarding the assignment of blame and responsibility to individuals. Harms must be assigned to individuals in order for legal mechanisms of guilt and liability to work1. Hence individual harmful conduct must be identified in order to use the harm principle. Harms, though, are setbacks to people's interests whether or not brought about by harmful conduct. All harmful conduct, by definition, results in harm, and, most often, harms result from harmful conduct. But these two notions come apart in the prevention of accumulative harms. An accumulative harm is a harm done by a group, not to a group. It is a harm to another person brought about by the actions of a group of people where the action of no single member of that group is sufficient, by itself, to cause the harm. Most often, an accumulative harm will also be a public harm, a harm which cannot be done to one individual without at the same time being done to a whole community or populace, but there is no conceptual necessity to this fact; accumulative harms may be serious individual harms. (Kernohan, 1993, 2-5) Feinberg describes the accumulative harm of air pollution like this: Sometimes one individual source of pollution may cross the threshold into harm all by itself, but often many sources are needed. The accumulative harm cases, however, cannot be said to involve harmful conduct; no individual, maliciously or recklessly, causes the accumulative harm2. Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough; there needs protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling, against the tendency of society to impose, by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them. Public opinion, ostracism, harassing environments, and pornography are all accumulative harms. In this essay R.V Brown mostly focus on forms of pollution as examples of accumulative h

Harrahs Entertainment, Inc. Case Study Essay Example for Free

Harrahs Entertainment, Inc. Case Study Essay

Monday, October 14, 2019

Impact of Video Games on Society

Impact of Video Games on Society Video games are a pastime for masses of adolescents worldwide. The unprecedented technological advancements to this entertaining culture have caused many gamers, especially adolescents, to acknowledge it as the ultimate fantasy. According to many studies, video games can increase aggressive behavior, cause emotional outbursts and decrease inhibitions in many people (Kardaras 2008). As a result of the increased exposure to this modern phenomenon, a mounting body of research is linking video games to violent, aggressive and anti-social behavior. For this reason the study focuses on investigating the impact of video gaming on society to determine whether it leads to aggressive, violent, anti-social behavior. The first aim of this investigation is to document the different types of video games and how they operate through electronic devices, and therefore examining the associations between video game exposure and the different attitudes and behaviors displayed by gamers. The second objective is to explain the key factors which lead to violent, aggressive and anti-social behavior and the extreme lengths to which the gaming industry will go to in order to reap the advantages of video games. The investigation also presents an outline of the current rating and censorship systems in Australia, which has resulted in some violent video games being banned for their violent and inappropriate content. To end the research a feasible solution is proposed to maximize the potential advantages of rating systems. In conclusion, the paper summarizes the impact of video games on society. It concludes that gamers who expose themselves to greater amounts of video game violence are more likely to be prone to violent, aggressive and antisocial behavior over time. Word Count: 272 Section One: Introduction The gaming industry has grown immensely through the evolution of modern consoles, games and accessories. Therefore the ever growing hype that surrounds these technological gadgets is unprecedented even in the world of gamers, causing many adolescents to perceive video games consoles as a necessity in their lives, rather than an accessory. The impact of video gaming has been a debated issue for many years, and consequently the problem appears to be influencing many of my peers therefore I took this opportunity to explore the effect of video games on society. This paper presents an investigation into the impact of video gaming on society to determine whether it leads to aggressive, violent and anti-social behavior. For the purpose of this examination the information has been divided into four sections. The first section examines what video games are and the genre of games which have resulted gamers displaying different behaviors. The next section assess how video games have an impact on society through real life examples, and then the possible factors which could lead to aggressive, violent and anti-social behavior. The final section in addition to a proposed solution to this issue, aims to discuss how effectively game ratings restrict inappropriate content from adolescent users. There is no question that video games have an impact on society. One thing that is certain is that the gaming industry is growing rapidly which consequently increases the impact of video games on society. Section Two: What are video games and the different type of video games played? A video game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a device specially made for game play called a video console; these interactions are entered via input devices such as controllers, joysticks and hand-held peripherals. The electronic systems used to play video games are known as platforms which range from: personal computers, video game consoles and small handheld devices and through these platforms video and sound are produced to interact with the user (Video Game 2009). The advancements in gaming consoles have become a major factor in promoting video game addiction, and therefore amplifying the video game influence among users. As gaming technology continues to expand, consoles such as Microsofts Xbox 360 and Sonys Playstation are becoming more sophisticated due to the customer demand for an enhanced gaming experience. Recent developments allow gamers to have access to video games at any time; for example with the PSP (Play Station Portable) a gamer is able to carry their console around with him/her anywhere, thereby adding to the amount of hours spent playing games. Similarly consoles like the Wii set a new precedent for the gaming world, trying to create a physical and more realistic gaming experience through innovative accessories such as the Wii MotionPlus which provided true motion and position information to the console (The Wiire 2008), and therefore encouraging users to become more engrossed in the game. Furthermore, the development of graphical interfaces and televisions appear to be significant factors in endorsing excessive gaming time. In particular the transition to LCD (Liquid-Crystal Display) and plasma televisions, which introduced a gratifying experience for gamers through the addition of surround sound speaker systems and improved graphic resolution. Subsequently the enlargement of graphic interface screens also added to the attractiveness of video games, as the screen sizes increased from 14 inch up to the unprecedented size of 65 inch (LCD television 2010). As the mind-blowing graphic resolution becomes more available, users are promised real entertainment in these virtual worlds, by creating a more realistic gaming experience. The most commonly played games are action games; these games encourage the development of aggressive characteristics to emerge in gamers, as they have a large amount of violence due to their fast-paced nature. The games usually allow the user to play person against person or person against animal/aliens; a classic example is the game Halo which incorporates violent confrontations which are practised through violent combat between the user interface and the console (Caruana, Caruana Bruner 2009). Currently the most recent video games present players with expansive spaces and allow users to interact in multiple ways; resulting in each player having a unique experience (Garrelts 2006). One of the most problematic games of recent times is Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The controversy behind this game stemmed from many politicians condemning its frequent violent and sexual scenes. As illustrated above (refer figure 3), the game encourages inappropriate actions such as violence to be practised through gang warfare, raising concerns as these types of games have been turned into fodder for entertainment (Loftus 2002). Another genre of video games is adventure/role playing games; these games are usually less graphic than action games but contain mild violence and typically have an element of surrealism and fantasy. Games like Starfox Adventures are usually combined with a role playing element and allow the character to initiate dialogue. These games tend to be among the most addictive due to their narrative fantasy themes together with their mild violent content (Caruana, Caruana Bruner 2009). In a study conducted on video game usage and content this genre of games was found to encourage an increasing amount of antisocial values of a violent nature (Tompkins 2003). Section Three: How do video games have an impact on society? Adolescents and children are the group of people which are mostly engrossed to video games in society. The vulnerability of these groups especially children is prominent, as they are at such crucial stages in their development that they are highly influenced by their environment. For this reason some concerns have arisen as to why video games have become very influential story-tellers for this generation of children and youth (McCain J 2000).This may be a result of the technological advances which have exposed new generations to more graphic games which emphasize violence. With regards to this argument there are two very opposite sides, the first being put by the gaming industry who argue that gaming is secure entertainment with no link to violence and the others being the psychologists and researchers who argue that violent media promotes aggression (Tompkins 2003). Research dedicated to this issue is enormous, with many scientific studies concluding that significant exposure to violent video games increases the risk of aggressive behavior in certain children. From this exposure children become desensitized to violence making them believe that the world is a meaner and scarier place than it is (Tompkins 2003). Unfortunately, these thoughts are often said to be difficult to change later on in life. Therefore children begin to think that violence is normal behavior as depicted in the games. The idea of violence in video games can be similar to that of domestic violence, where children who are exposed to violence either become offenders or victims as they believe that what they observe is the norm (Tompkins 2003). The development of these thoughts in gamers could potentially lead to gamers becoming more violent and aggressive over time. Much of the research found on video games, like Dr Andersons, a leading researcher in the field of gaming reveals unequivocal evidence that game violence increases the likelihood of aggressive and violent behavior in both immediate and long-term contexts (Anderson et al. 2003). The studies conducted found that the short-term exposure increases the likelihood of physically and verbally aggressive behavior, thoughts and emotions immediately after playing the game. While large-scale longitudinal studies provided converging evidence linking frequent exposure to violent video games during childhood leads to aggression later in life, including physical assaults and spouse abuse (Anderson et al 2003). Other researchers illustrate a comprehensive correlation between playing of M-rated games and bullying in schools. The gamers who played M-rated games, commonly adolescents, were found to be more likely to be reported for bullying other members in the school community (Thomas 2008). Sadly thes e negative outcomes are real as they are affecting our childrens behavior in schools, therefore creating more violent and troublesome youth within the wider community. The aspect of video games that is of most interest for this investigation is the content due to the fact that the violent content exposed to users can potentially be a factor which leads to aggressive outcomes (Gentile, Lynch, Linder Walsh 2004). Although current researchers conclude violent affects, Dr Anderson himself describes the relationship between games and aggressive behavior as similar to that between smoking and cancer. This comparison illustrates the idea that exposure to violence in video games may not always necessarily lead to aggressive outcomes; likewise smokers do not always develop cancer. Nevertheless, the chances of video games causing violent behavior in adolescents are increased dramatically (Hian Hou 2009). The negative effects of violent video games are evident in a recent study which involved adolescents playing two different games for 30 minutes. The researchers divided a group of 44 adolescents into two groups and randomly assigned the children to play one of the two games; the first being the high-octane Need for Speed: Underground, and the other the ultra-violent first-person shooter Medal of Honor: Frontline. Following the gaming session the children were given MRIs (Magnetic resonance imaging) of their brains. The scans revealed that the adolescents who played Medal of Honor, as a result of the exposure to violent and destructive scenes, showed an increase in emotional arousal and a corresponding decrease of activity in brain areas involved in self-control, inhibition and attention(Kalning 2006). Unsurprisingly that same effect was not present in the children who played Need for Speed. For many gamers the exposure to violent video games increases their violent behavior; the cumulative effect of the exposure to these realistic and disturbing graphics is that it is creating a more violent society. Many modern time games now have been designed to demonstrate stereotypical characters. For example regarding gender, the portrayal of men has caused many adolescents to learn from these violent games, but unfortunately they are getting the wrong messages across. The men which are often portrayed as large and aggressive characters have resulted in gamers using violence as a means to solve conflict and problems with negotiation and non-violent solutions being totally disregarded. The concept of the gamers solving issues themselves in a similar manner through the practice of violence and aggression in order to be a man becomes apparent in gamers, ultimately resulting in some gamers imitating scenes from games in real-life situations (Haymes 2009). The impact of violence in video games has ignited debate in recent times, due to the rise of video games as a modern phenomenon. Psychology lecturer Caleb Owens, an obsessive gamer himself who spends lots time at a console, was so disturbed by scenes from the game Modern Warfare 2 where a player could at an airport assume the role of a terrorist in a Mumbai-style massacre (Dikeos 2010), that he complained to the Classification Review Board. The response from the games publishers was that this is to help gamers understand terrorism from the other side(Dikeos 2010). Supporting this response is Laura Parker, who is a devoted gamer and an online journalist for a gaming website, saying that a lot of people take these violent scenes out of context and say that the whole game is made up of these elements and thats often not the case at all (Dikeos 2010). Even so, frequent scenes which depict blood and murder have caused greater concern, as it could potentially encourage gamers to imitate vi olence in real-life situations. Despite the negative associations, some experts have come to other conclusions, strongly arguing that video games have no link to violence. In recent times Modern Warfare 2 has been criticized for its violent content but it is not going to cause a change in adult behavior (Barnett 2009) says Professor Mark Griffiths. The professor explained that there is no definitive proof or research to show that violent video games make adults behave any more violently (Barnett, 2009), adding that younger gamers, typically under the age of eight tend to be more influenced by games and what they see on screen. They usually try and mimic what they have watched on the big screen. However adults, which this game is certified for, have already formed their cognitive sensibilities and will not usually start acting differently because of a video game (Barnett 2009). Although these justifications sound reasonable they overlook the ease with which children can access violent and adult rated games. Currentl y video games cannot be certified to a specific group of people because the chances of a child obtaining a MA18+ rated game have increased due to the feeble enforcement of censorship regulations enforced in many countries. Section Four: Factors which lead to aggression, violence and anti-social behavior. The most worrying issue is that most violent games are landing in the hands of millions of children, despite ratings attempting to restrict prohibited access. For this reason inappropriate games have become implicated in a string of recent school shootings and murders which has raised concerns to new heights (McCain J 2000). Modern games are designed to be entertaining and challenging. The reality is that manufacturers are shamelessly exploiting children for revenue. Currently 89% of video games released contain some violent content. For this reason when consumers specifically children, who are highly influenced by what they see on the big screen, expose themselves to violence they begin to incorporate aggressive concepts and behaviors into their typical behavioral repertoire (Anderson, Gentile Buckle 2007). Despite these unethical practices by manufacturers being scrutinized, many retailers still insist on advertising games where it is better to kill people, attack police and drive dangerously. Although video games exposure is correlated to many negative outcomes, some research suggests that video game exposure independent of content is related to improvements in certain types of cognition and learning. These benefits are real but are limited, as the majority of games played tend to incorporate an increasing amount of violence and inappropriate content (Barlett, Anderson and Swing 2008). Despite some research in support of positive outcomes, the negative outcomes of video games are more evident. As research, in this case a meta-analysis by Anderson and Bushman (2001) found that across 54 independent tests of the relation between video games and violence, involving 4262 participants, there appeared to be five consistent results from playing games with violent content. Playing violent games tend to increase aggressive behaviors, awareness, emotions, and physiological arousal and decrease pro-social behaviors. These effects are noticeable and have been found in children and ad olescents, in males and females and in experimental and non-experimental studies. Therefore it can be considered as concrete evidence supporting the negative effects of video games on gamers. Further research by Anderson suggests that exposure to violent video games may increase angry and hostile feelings while interacting with peers, teachers and adults which leads users to demonstrating fierce behavior (Anderson et al. 2004). Perhaps the best example of violent video game influence over adolescents is the case of Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris. The two video game fanatics opened fire in their Colorado High School in 1999, killing 13 people. Experts made a convincing link between the murder and the continuous playing of video games with reports revealing that Harris and Klebold spent long hours playing video games like Wolfenstein 3D, Doom and Mortal Kombat. The two murderers enjoyed playing various violent games, which effectively played a focal role in their violent acts. Eric Harris had actually modified a version of the game Doom and placed it on his website.   In his version there were two shooters, extra weapons and other characters in the game that couldnt shoot back. Harris and Klebold essentially acted-out their version of Doom on innocent classmates demonstrating how violent content in games played could have a pronounced influence on the users behavior and actions (Holmes 2005). The dramat ic rise in violent shootings by adolescents many of which have been linked to playing violent video games supports the argument that video game violence transforms into real-world situations (Layton 2007). Another murder which was linked to video games was that of a 14-year-old British boy by an older friend. The court heard that Warren Leblanc, the convicted murderer had struck Stefan Pakeerah over the head with a claw hammer from behind. The spark behind the prolonged assault was found to be the horrific images observed on the computer while playing a violent video game, as Stefans parents proclaimed that Leblanc had mimicked a game called Manhunt, in which the players score points for violent killings. The parents of Warren themselves claimed that their son was obsessed with the game, as a result guiding him to rehearse violent scenes of this game in real life in an exceptionally disturbing manner (Video game sparked hammer murder 2004). The ethical question arising from these cases is that if these violent video games are having such a pronounced influence on gamers causing them to commit crimes in such a cruel manner, should they really be developed and sold in the first place. Moral concerns also arise with recent studies suggesting that adolescents playing such games have difficulty distinguishing between fantasy and reality, therefore guiding them to perform acts played on consoles in real life. (Video game sparked hammer murder 2004). For many the line between reality and fantasy is lost through their addiction. In some fantasy games like Second Life players are able to live their fantasy life in a virtual world, to the point where the virtual world overrules their daily life. Even though these types of role playing games do not necessarily encourage aggressive or violent behavior, nevertheless they still contribute to the possibility of a gamer engaging in anti-social behavior as they create an alias where people can live technologically, contrary to their usual social life. The addictive nature of video games can lead to gamers developing anti- social behavior. This addiction is so problematic that such games have affected non-adolescents day-to-day activities. An example of an addictive game is the popular online game The World of Warcraft which has over 10 million online users. Due to the extended hours spent playing these game extreme cases have occurred as excessive exposure to this online game has resulted in some mature aged gamers getting divorced, fired from their jobs, and in a rare case, someone dying as a result of the lack of sleep or proper nutrition (Do Video Games Cause Aggression and Death The Truth About Video Game Effects 2010). Often gamers can connect with multi-players around the world through the click of a button, without even meeting them or knowing who they are. The availability and easy access to the internet directly from the console eliminates the need for users to go out and socialize as these technological communications are in effect replacing social interactions for gamers; thus leading to isolation and the development of anti-social behavior over time. On the other hand, a report by Greg Thom suggests that fun games which encourage teamwork and friendship can lay the groundwork for positive interaction between children, leading to better behavior and academic results (Thom 2009). Although these findings exemplify positive outcomes, they are limited as such results only apply to gamers who play non-violent and G-rated games. At present the number of fun games has diminished as the growing culture within the gaming world demands more violent and adventure orientated games. For this reason the negative associations allied to video games are more apparent with an increasing number of gamers spending hours playing violent and role playing games, isolating themselves from the rest of the world. The exposure to long hours over time allows for basic social functions to be forgotten leading to players hesitating when handling social activities. Other impacts are loneliness, aggressiveness and disregard for rules and regulations. An initial addiction to video games which may not be considered severe can easily turn into a psychological anti-social disorder (Anti-Social Behaviour n.d.) 5. Section Five: Overview of ratings and censorship in Australia. The purpose of a rating system is to provide concise and impartial information about the content in video games so consumers, especially parents, can make informed purchase decisions (Game Ratings Descriptor Guide 2009). Nevertheless rating systems implemented in many countries including Australia are open to manipulation quite easily whether it is because of dishonest retailers or careless parents. Unfortunately games that are rated MA15+ or AO are potentially at risk of falling into childrens hands. With pirated media rampant in society a game that is banned in your country could be downloaded to a destination where it has not been released, again limiting the effectiveness of current rating systems. The main reason that games are banned is because they promote anti-social behavior and expose users to high levels of violence, sex and drug use. An example of a game banned in Australia for its explicit adult content is Phantasmagoria, which goes so far as to have a rape scene in it. Without censorship, games like these which are highly inappropriate could easily be found in childrens video games consoles. However while it is possible to control the content of what hits the shelf, it is what happens once they have been bought that remains the issue. Another game is Left 4 Dead 2 a first person shooter game which was refused classification because of its frequent and intense portrayal of violence and graphic depictions of blood and gore. The disturbing scenery resulted in some politicians correlating between the people playing such violent video games and the increase in criminal activity (MacDonald, 2009). Of the thirty three games that have been banned in Australia fourteen of them contained images that were deemed inappropriate for users and considering that the average age of a video gamer in Australia is 30 years old, that is indicative of just how explicit the content is (List of banned video games 2009). There are already issues in todays society with children being exposed to images/cultures which are inappropriate and the addition of unsuitable video games can add to the increasing problem of media influence on children and adolescents. The unfortunate failure of these ratings is that some parents are not aware retailers are selling inappropriate games to their children, who, by law are not permitted to purchase them. Even though this is the case parents should be encouraged to monitor and be more attentive to their children while playing video games by restricting their time in front of the television and computer (Tompkins 2003). Governments should strive to insure that all parents are fully aware of the rating system and the way it works. To promote awareness a campaign should be launched across all media regarding the negative implications of the exposure to inappropriate video games on their children. With the support of a rating system to try and minimize the amount of inappropriate content, parents should make an effort to become more involved in their childrens lives before it is too late (Tompkins 2003). Effectively if the parents take more responsibility by endeavoring to cooperate with their governments i n an attempt to limit the amount of violent and inappropriate content displayed to their children then the potential impact of video games on society could be lessened. Section Six: Conclusion The impact of video games is apparent as it is affecting thousands of people around the world daily. From Street Fighter to FIFA 09 these games are impacting the gamers in society psychologically and physiologically. Many gamers have become attached to the life and person they believe they have become through virtual worlds experienced in games. These worlds have caused gamers who otherwise would not be living their ideal life in reality to get caught up in the fantasy and unrealistic expectations of video games. The objective of this research was to investigate the impact of video gaming on society to determine whether it leads to aggressive, violent, anti-social behavior. The essay demonstrated how video games have a pronounced influence on adolescents in society, with violent behavior becoming more prevalent amongst adolescent, gamers begin to act like the characters they seek to control in games. Video game impact on society is evident, as the exposure to video game violence was found to be a significant risk factor for aggressive and violent behavior (Tompkins 2003). Unfortunately, games which contain violent content are reaching our childrens hands, therefore encouraging them to act aggressively and anti-socially. One question which we should ask is Who should be held responsible for the increase of video game exposure in society? Are the gaming companies to blame for releasing highly graphic and violent games d, the irresponsible parents who allow their children to spend long hours playing inappropriate games or simply the young people who choose to play the games? Consequently, other possible issues attached to this effect can be examined; for example more stringent regulations or laws to implement impose accountability for the retailers. Therefore the focus for further research should be based on these questions that are emerging to possibly come to a conclusion about how to finally address this issue. Currently there is no definitive solution to the issue of gaming and the effect that it has on the users behaviors. Nevertheless, there are some recommendations to a possible solution; these include the need for more governments to impose stricter rating systems, parents becoming more aware and responsible for their childrens game play and also gamers themselves becoming more mindful of separating the gaming world from the real world. 7. Section Seven: References and Bibliography Reference list: Online books: Anderson, C, Gentile, D Buckle, K 2007, Violent video game effects on children and adolescents: theory, research, and public policy, Oxford University Press Inc., New York. Garrelts, N 2006, The meaning and culture of Grand theft auto: critical essaysHYPERLINKà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ½, McFarland and Company Inc, North Carolina. Online journals/articles: Anderson, C.A. Bushman, B.J (2001). Effects of violent games on aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, physiological arousal, and prosocial behavior: A meta-analytic review of the scientific literature. Psychological Science, 12 , pp. 353-359, retrieved on 2 May 2009. Anderson, C. A., Carnagey, N., Flanagan, M., Benjamin, A.J., Eubanks, J., Valentine, J. C. (2004). Violent Video Games: Specific Effects of Violent Content on Aggressive Thoughts and Behavior. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 36, p. 199-249, retrieved on 23 April 2009. Anderson et al., (2003), The influence of media violence on youth. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 4(3), p.81-110, retrieved on 10 September 2009. Barlett, C. P, Anderson C.A, Swing, E.L (2008). Video Game Effects- Confirmed, Suspected, and Speculative: A Review of the evidence, Simulation Gaming, vol. 40, pp. 337, retrieved on 25 August 2009. Gentile, D.A, Lynch, P.J, Linder, R.H Walsh, D.A (2004). The effects of violent video game habits on adolescent hostility, aggressive behaviors, and school performance, Journal of Adolescence, vol. 27, pp. 5-22, retrieved on 11 November 2009. McCain, J. (2000), The impact of interactive violence on children. Committee on commerce science, and transportation United State Senate, retrieved on 20 July 2010. Tompkins, A. (2003), The Psychological Effects of Violent Media on Children. AllPsych Journal, retrieved on 15 June 2010. Websites: Anti-Social Behaviour (n.d), A social, psychological and economic study of the positive and negative impact the internet has on children and families, viewed 27 June 2009, Barnett, E 2009, Modern Warfare 2: No link between video games and adult violence, Telegraph, viewed March 20 2010, Caruana, V, Caruana, C Bruner O 2009, Types of Video Games, Focus on the Family, viewed 28 June 2009, Dikeos, T 2010, Emotive debate over R rating for video games, ABC, viewed 20 March 2010, Do Video Games Cause Aggression and Death The Truth About Video Game Effects (2010). Update Reality: Self Improvement, viewed 15 Ju

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Insanity and Legal Action Essay -- Law

Insanity and Legal Action Schopenhauer’s theory of madness as a defect of memory, while unquestionably dated, nonetheless retains significant intuitive appeal and is at least reconcilable with modern understandings of mental function and insanity.1 If accepted as a working theory in conjunction with a more modern understanding of the operation of the brain, the theory leads to a conception of insanity as a failure of understanding of consequences. In turn, this conception may help explain precisely why the insane are not considered responsible for their actions, and may suggest that the insane cannot be said to have acted at all. Modern cognitive theory suggests that memory is structured primarily around stories. Thus, rather than remembering a sequence of events, we impute to those events some causal structure that enables us to understand and therefore remember the events. Unfortunately, this usually results in significant distortion of the events in our memory as we fill in standard imagery in the place of actual occurrences.2 One conclusion that seems well supported by these observations is that our memory, as we usually think of it, is intimately bound up with our understanding of causation and consequences. Presumably, a defect of memory, which Schopenhauer claims is at the root of all insanity, could thus impair a natural sense of consequences. Conversely, a failure to understand consequences could easily result in just the kind of fragmented and unrecognizable memory that Schopenhauer discusses. The more standard categorizations of insanity, especially as described by Macniven, can be reconciled with this view. Macniven specifically attributes to manic-depressive psychosis a tenden... ...RESPONSIBILITY, supra note 1, at 75–85. 7 H.L.A. Hart, Ascription of Responsibility (1949), in FREEDOM AND RESPONSIBILITY, supra note 1, at 143–148. 8 See, e.g., A.I. Melden, Action (1956), in FREEDOM AND RESPONSIBILITY, supra note 1, at 149–160. Melden proposes a conception of action that, like Hart’s, takes into account a broad set of circumstances surrounding any physical movement or act of will. Unlike Hart, Melden sees these circumstances not as a tool of judgment and ascription, but rather as inherently giving the action a particular meaning. 9 See Barbara Wootton, Crime, Responsibility, and Prevention, in CRIME AND THE CRIMINAL LAW (1963). In the criminal context, Lady Wootton’s suggestions for combining the functions of mental institution and prison might promote greater mental health of prisoners with mental problems irrelevant to their crimes.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Go Ask Alice Essay -- essays research papers

Go Ask Alice! Alice is fifteen, white, middle, class. She diets, she dates. She loves Roger but the most time he doesn’t notice her. If she would ever sleep with a boy she would sleep with him. Alice hates her look. She wants to be pretty and slim. Lately she loses fascination about all things. School is boring and she doesn’t even go to parties. Her parents want to move. Her Dad is invited to become the Dean of the Political Science at - . Alice is happy and is not hard for her to leave the old school. But she misses her old house and her grandparents who she calls gramp and gran. Alice has a brother called Tim and a sister Alexandria. The two are younger than Alice. At her new school it is horrible for her. Nobody speaks to her the first days. but her brother and sister like the new school. Finally she finds a friend at school. Her name is Gerda, but Alice’s mother and father don’t like her. Alice doesn’t feel happy in her family. She hates his sister and her brother more than she loves them. Tim is intolerable and her mother is constantly Peking at her. Alice gets to know Beth Baum. Beth is Jewish and her father is a doctor. Her mother nags a lot. Alice’s parents like Beth, because she is pretty nice. In the holidays Beth goes on a summer camp for six weeks and Alice stays at her grans. One day she meets Jill Peters and she invites her for a party. Alice doesn’t like taking drugs. She wants to stop it...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Synopsis: Computer and Online Hotel Management

Many companies experienced the impact of new technologies in the 1980s and early 1990s. It has recently been realized that the technologies are converging, raising more primary skill and resourcing. Technology while still de-skill a large number of jobs. The emphasis has shifted from people with technical staff to use sophisticated computer technology and display high levels of customer service (Nuseibe, 2010). The main purpose of this research is to facilitate customer orders online selection, online bill payments and facilitate customers by offering fast order delivery. All data management due to centralized data effectively.The system will provide quick access in an easy to obtain the necessary information about the current state of the restaurant. The state will tell you about different deals offered by the restaurant. Different types of data are provided by the generation of reports that help in making decisions on the basis of these reports. Objective The main objective of deve loping the proposed system is to facilitate the customer by the easy accessibility and convenience, the user interface will so easy to use that customers can place orders, and can go through hotel information online 24 / 7.Review of Literature Al-Ahmad (2006) recognized that Object-Oriented Pprogramming (OOP) can be explained as a model for building software. In OOP, a program execution is considered a physical model, simulating either a real or imaginary part of the world. In OOP, concepts in the classification (things, behavior, relationships, etc. ) and real phenomena (special cases of aircraft, flight, security stocks, etc. ) are represented as classes and objects, respectively, in the model of computer system.In OOP, key concepts are modeled as classes that are ordered hierarchically so that a new class (subclass) is generally defined based on a given class (super class) using inheritance. Dhamayanthi and Thangavel (2006) adopted the framework. NET is a set of products for the development and management of systems with tiered architectures and object oriented. A framework generally include several design patterns is too . NET, The Assist patterns composing the frame architecture suitable for many different applications without redesign. An additional advantage is that the framework recognizes the design pattern you use.This paper is intended to present . NET versions for selected structural patterns. With the seven structural patterns discussed by Gang of Four (GOF), five are discover with the help of . NET framework. Gogolla et al. (2007) stated that Unified Modeling Language (UML) It provides significant today as a standard for software development. UML tools however provide light support for model validation and inspection in the early stages of development. Nor is there significant support for the Object Constraint Language (OCL). We present an approach for the support of UML models and OCL constraints based on animation and documentation.The purpose tool (UML-based environment under) supports analysts, designers and developers in executing UML models and OCL constraints examination and therefore allows them to employ model-based techniques for software decision. Thomas et al. (2008) said the structured query language (SQL) is a language used with interactive usual relational databases. A SQL statement is a unit of execution that returns a single result set from a database. An exhibition is the result of a software glitch that gives an attacker access to a computer system involuntary.SQLIV allow entry attacker to modify SQL structure via a SQL injection attack (SQLIA), which changes the logic of the SQL statement. An attack is a sequence of actions that exploit the vulnerability, often with devastating consequences. A SQLIA is a SQL injection attempt characters and / or keywords in the entrance of a SQL statement to modify the structure of the statement Koopmann (2009) explained that a word of caution with new unseen index funct ion to be attentive to the other indexes created or changed without your knowledge invisible.If you have to watch over SQL index structures which now have to add checking this column visibility or else you will not see the full picture of the indexes that are being maintained by DML but do not contribute to the seleactivity. This could become a nightmare for hidden applications when doing a lot of insertion, updating or deletion. Farooq (2010) reported that The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is an Object Management Group. Object-oriented. Modeling information standard. it consists of a set of notations for modeling systems diversity of viewpoints and at different levels of generalization.While the UML reflects some of the best models Object-oriented modeling experiences presented, there is a lack of semantic precision that is essential whether to use the notations to exactly model systems to cause severe and on the models. Zaveri and Hammerstrom (2010) discribed (SQL) Structured Qu ery Language that is used to match the database middleware on these classes and modules database applications are one of the largest domain software and most important in the world. Some of the classes or modules in such applications are responsible for database operations.SQL is used to exchange a few words with the database middleware on these classes or modules. It can be issued interactively or attached to a host language. The objective of this work is expected to software development defects in PL / SQL SQL files using metrics. Based on actual project data desert, The SQL metrics are empirically validated by analyzing its association with the probability of error detection through PL / SQL files. Ruparelia (2010) explained a web application server assistances a standard HTTP web server applications from a standard Web server to perform a vvariety of tasks, such as form processing and database access.The predominant Web application server for the popular open source Apache Web s erver is PHP (PHP Hypertext Prepprocessor). This document provides an overview of the PHP pprogramming language and its important functionality, including form testing and database access. The paper also discusses campus applications of PHP, including campus service projects, a field of computer science in the development of web applications and student projects. Liu (2010) said it is a popular result premise SQL database that can’t transmit recursive queries, such as skill range; in fact, a new building was added to SQL3 to overcome this limitation.However, the indication of this state is usually given in the form of a reference to the evidence that relational algebra can’t express such queries. SQL, on the other hand, in all its implementations has three aspects that differ fundamentally from relational algebra: namely, grouping, arithmetic operations, and aggregation. Allison (2011) reported that development is an object-oriented analysis and software design approac h where system designers assume in terms of† things† instead of operations and variables. This involves designing object classes and relations between these classes.A class module is an â€Å"idea† that provides a model for the attributes and services that the object is. An object is an occurrence of the class module. Materials and Methods There are many problems in the manual system, because this system of web-based information is entered and also able to know the data is maintained in the computer system. There are many ways through which can be developed software application. All business organizations so that you can easily recover, and the management system database is useful for these tasks. Reduced time consumption by using computerized systems.This is responsible for these tasks. Tabular data will be manipulated by giving orders (Sharifian, et al. 2011). The graphical user interface will be used as the front end, and developed in PHP or ASP. SQL server is used for background design, storage and handling of data. Different reports are generated as required. Data redundancy is removed by the SQL server (Rao and Babu, 2009). The method will be used water fall in the hotel management system. In the waterfall process method includes the identification and selection of projects, project initiation and planning, analysis, design, implementation and maintenance.In the first phase of the information needs of the system will be identified. After the first phase the gantt chart will be developed as a timeline for the determination of the task in the project initiation and planning phase. During analysis phase the investigation will be carried out, including the exchange of ideas on software, which will be going to be and what purpose will be fulfilled. Then, the logical design phase information system will be designed for the user interface. The interface plays an important role in connecting the user with the system.